Chapter 30

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Her lungs cried out in protest as she swung her sword through the drill Aelin had shown her earlier this morning. Unsurprisingly, when Della returned to her training she found renewed vigor and discipline. She was still slightly sore from yesterday's drills, but she plowed through it. Using it as a training opportunity, in actual combat she would need to push through the pain. She'd learned that first hand.

She needed to do better, to be better. She never wanted to feel so helpless and panicked again. Della was growing sick and tired of being scared. She didn't know how to conquer all of her fears but this one she could. She arrived to the training fields before everyone else and stayed after, practicing the different drills and exercises that they showed her. She also took her political studies more seriously. While it was not yet an area she'd had to fight in she knew that it was only a matter of time. So despite how annoying and stuck up Remelle's lessons were Della did realize how skilled in navigating and manipulating court the female was. She did also have tutors who taught lessons on the history of both Terrasen and Doranelle but Remelle knew how to read people and how to orchestrate her response to get exactly what she wanted. Della once had worked up the nerve to ask her why she was so rude to the humans of Aelin's court since they all clearly despised her; Remelle had simply given her a guileful smile and said that she missed Doranelle. Della also took lessons with Lysandra when she could but the shifter had her own responsibilities.

Della was thinking of approaching Rowan and Aelin and asking if there was anything she could do to contribute, but she really was inexperienced with everything except gardening. She had considered offering that but she knew that they would give it to her simply to make her feel included not because they needed her to tend to their many gardens. So that left Della where she was, studying hard and training harder. One day there would be a moment where she'd have to prove her worthiness and she would be ready. So Della steeled herself and went through the drill again.


Lysandra sat on the couch of Della's living room, her unique scent had tickled Della's nose when she'd stepped out of the bath. Della strode in wearing a simple, short robe (that she would be embarrassed to wear in front of anyone but Lysandra) and was towel drying her hair, curious as to why the woman was in her room at this time in the morning, normally Lysandra was busy at this time of day.

"You really do have great legs." Lysandra said by way of greeting.

Della simply rolled her eyes. "Is that all you came here to say? I figured it'd be something important since you're swamped with assignments."

Lysandra only shrugged in response. "I had a moment so I figured I'd come enjoy your couch, it's much softer than mine...also I am hiding and people won't think to look for me here"

Della raised an eyebrow in skepticism. "Gods you really do look like your father when you do that. He gave me that exact look this morning." Lysandra said.

She huffed a laugh in response. "Well, then you're welcome anytime."

Della's entryway door swung open loudly and suddenly. "Lysandra!" Fenrys shouted as he entered without knocking, "Aedion is looking all over for-" Fenrys stopped mid-sentence and mid-stride. Eyes sweeping up then down Della, then up again. Della definitely considered herself a shy person, and the heat in Fenrys's gaze only worsened the blush creeping up her neck. Della was certain she was so red that she would rival a beet in color.

"Like I said you have nice legs Della." Lysandra said giving her a knowing look.

Della made a helpless squeak sound dropped the towel in her hand and fled the room. Doing an awkward run-walk because if she moved too quickly she might accidentally expose herself due to the shortness of her robe.

She slammed her bedroom door shut with her back. Having to prop herself up against it from sheer embarrassment. What was he doing just barging into her room without knocking!

Lysandra echoed her thoughts asking Fenrys directly.

He stammered out a response. "I-uh- uh- sorry." He said. She heard him retreat out the door and shut it behind him.

"All clear!" Lysandra shouted, but Della couldn't bring herself to move. Della knew she was relatively pretty but never, never had anyone looked at her with such intensity. And never had she been so embarrassed by it. Della worked to calm her beating heart, tried to soothe the burning in her face. Why did she make such a stupid sound?! She had squeaked like a wounded mouse! How pathetic. Della rubbed her face.

Lysandra knocked on the door. "Della?" Della stepped back and cracked open the door. Staring like a coward at Lysandra's feet. "It really wasn't that bad." Lysandra continued.

"I know," Della whined. "Which only makes it worse that I am so embarrassed." It seemed that only Fenrys was able to instigate such intense butterflies and embarrassment.

"If it's any consolation I think that he was more embarrassed."

Della frowned with skepticism. "I doubt that, Fenrys is shameless."

Lysandra merely shrugged. "I am gonna go before anyone else barges in here."

Della waited until she heard the door shut behind Lysandra before rushing from her room to lock it. Gods, maybe Fenrys being embarrassed was a good thing.  Perhaps then he wouldn't tease her...maybe should tease him? Della thought back to what he'd said to Lysandra. She'd never heard him so speechless.

She didn't have too much time to waste or she'd be late for her lessons with Remelle and Della was not in a mood to explain why she was late.


Della sat down for dinner with Rowan and Aelin. She scanned their faces checking for any signs that they were aware of what had happened this morning. She doubted Fenrys would say anything himself since Rowan would likely flay him alive for something like that. But did Lysandra say anything to Aelin?

"How were your studies today?" Rowan asked.

"Fine, today's lesson was actually about a battle that you and Lorcan were pivotal in."

"Really?" Aelin asked, "Which one?"

Della opened her mouth to respond but Rowan was quick to interject, "Likely nothing that impressive. Aelin was telling me that she showed you a knew sword maneuver, how are you feeling with the short sword?"

Aelin shot Della a look as if to say buzzard, Rowan sent a look to Aelin seemingly saying I am right hear you know.

It was good to see her father relaxing just a touch since the attack. Della herself hadn't relaxed much but instead had refocused her nerves into motivation and discipline. But her father had finally relented and stopped posting a guard outside her room. Although instead Fenrys, she suspected, had taken up the post himself. As much as Della hated to admit it she was thankful to having him there. Although she would never,ever say that aloud.

Lately, she'd started having nightmares that had her waking in a panic, and so to at least be able to tell herself that someone was outside her door, guarding her was extremely comforting.

"Short sword is fine." She said with a shrug. "I feel like my dagger technique needs more work."

"We can start it sometime next week. Vaughn is decent with them if you don't feel like waiting for me or Aelin."

Rowan and Aelin were headed out to the coast to monitor some of the first trade shipments that they worked so hard on. They were leaving first thing in the morning and would be back early next week.

"I'm fine waiting." Of all of Aelin and Rowan's inner court Vaughn was the most distant. They rarely spoke and that was fine, but she was reluctant to initiate a friendship with him. Still unable to shake her shyness. 
Della told her father and Aelin good night and wished them safe travels. She walked through the well lit hallway back to her room. Despite how much she reasoned with herself she couldn't bring herself to use servants passages anymore.

She rounded the corner to her room and there stood Fenrys knocking at her door.


Hello all! Thank you for your patience between chapters. I hope life is going well for y'all!

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