Chapter 6

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There, standing in the doorway, was her father.

He was taller than she imagined and his hair was true silver as opposed to her more silver-blonde coloring. However, their pine green eyes were an exact match and she was tall and lean like him. But that was were the similarities stopped.

He stood their staring; not moving, not even breathing; neither was she. Della couldn't form any words nor did she dare to make a move, terrified of his reaction. He opened his mouth as if to say something but then shut it. After a painful moment of charged silence he spun on his heel and walked out the door only to be replaced by Lorcan.

The gigantic Demi-Fae stood there teeth bared. From the hallway Della could hear a female voice saying "Rowan, Rowan please talk to me. Is she really yours?"

"Sit down" Lorcan snapped pulling her attention back towards him.

She clumsily obeyed, sitting in the chair closest to the window. Lorcan remained standing. She hated that; she knew what he was doing, why she sat and he stood. But his intimidation tactics were unnecessary, she was already terrified and was no match for the male nor those that she suspected were in the hallway.

He watched her. Waiting for her to speak first, but Della was too afraid. Believing that a 'speak when spoken' to was the best way to navigate this situation.

"I spoke with the florist." Lorcan said at last. "She claims you only started working not even two months ago."

"T-that's true. I arrived in Orynth a couple weeks before I got hired."

Lorcan looked at her again waiting for her to elaborate further.  Della couldn't maintain the eye contact so she looked down, fidgeting with her hair.

Thankfully, Rowan reentered the room, a blonde Fae female behind him.

Della was still unable to meet their eyes, instead stealing glances from beneath her furrowed brows. Finally Aelin cut through the tension.

"We'll you certainly scowl like him."

She looked up at the female. She'd heard that the Queen was eccentric and it seemed like the rumors held up.

Aelin, then sitting down across from Della asked with shocking gentleness, "How are you alive?"

Della was grateful to the young female for not bothering with intimidation strategies. It made talking a little bit easier. She still shook like a coward while telling the story that Annore had told her. But with Aelin sitting across her from her it felt slightly less like an integration and more like a conversation.

The two males stood stoically the entire time she spoke, never asking any questions. They simply stood and stared at her. Lorcan at one point attempted to place a hand on Rowans shoulder but her father shook it off. Other than that he made no move nor any expression.

Despite his neutral face Della could scent his sadness while she spoke, they all seemed a bit sorrowful for her mother; but no one offered up any words of comfort or compassion.

At the conclusion of Della's story Aelin looked at her husband. They two seemed to have a private, silent conversation. Della couldn't quite understand it but Lorcan seemed unfazed, indicating that it was a common occurrence between the couple.

Turning back to Della, Rowan said "You will stay here tonight." Then he and his companions left.

Della was speechless. Was he not interested in her? Did he not believe her? Maybe Aelin didn't want her. A maid appeared at the door.

"Please follow me miss. I will show you to your room."

Della followed the maid through the servants hallways to what must have been the opposite side of the castle. Opening the much larger door to a much larger room the maid led Della inside.

"His highness has asked that you do not leave this room nor that you leave the castle itself. If you need anything please pull on the cord there." she said, pointing to a gold rope falling from the ceiling positioned at the side of the bed. Then she gestured to a door on the far wall. "That door leads to the bathroom."

The maid paused for a moment before continuing

"Would you like assistance preparing for bed?"

Della shook her head no. Then added "no thank you"

The maid bowed slightly before exiting.

Della stood in the same spot at the entrance of the room. She fought the urge to collapse into a heap on the floor, she fought the wobbling in her knees and the tears in her eyes. Della had fought to be here. She had given up literally everything and everyone that she knew and loved to come to Terrasen, to see her father and he had dismissed her. Completely blown her off. He'd barely spoken a word to her.

Deciding that this was all a mistake and that she never should have come Della turned around and flung the door open only to be greeted by the most beautiful male she had ever seen.

He was stunning, with dark eyes and golden hair. And two scars running down his face which only enhanced his features.

He was leaned casually against the door frame, arms crossed over his chest, grinning at her. Not a friendly grin either.

"Dearest princess I thought they told you to stay in your room."

She could only blink at him. He really was stunning.



Clearly the male knew who she was and technically she was a Princess of Doranelle just as her father was a Prince but to hear the actual title was jarring.

He chuckled darkly.

"Get back in there and get some rest."

"I want to go home." she pleaded. She despised the way her voice shook.

"So sorry, but you've been asked not to leave and I've been asked to make sure you don't leave." He added with more humor in his tone than she appreciated.

Della nodded. She really didn't want to get in trouble nor did she want to cause a scene. 

Scowling and chewing the inside of her cheek Della turned back around and quietly shut the door. She could hear the gorgeous male on the other side laughing at her. She was humiliated and she'd done it to herself.

Fresh tears rolled down her face as she climbed on the bed and sobbed into the pillow. She hoped that her crying would be muffled by the soft pillow because she really didn't need to embarrass herself further.

She should've never come. Her father was clearly disgusted with her and was probably trying to think of a way to quietly get rid of her. She hated Nalon for telling them of Maeve's death. She hated Annore for making her leave.  She hated her father for so callously dismissing her.


1140 words

Heir of Deceptionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें