Chapter 8

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The two Fae swooped down to an open meadow. Once they were just above the ground they both shifted back into their Fae form.

Of course Rowan's transition was perfect and graceful, her own was less so. She stumbled two steps her feet catching on the hem of her dress. Thankfully she recovered and looked up at him flushing with embarrassment.

He eyed her once again, his eyes scanning up and down. She avoided eye contact unable to hold his gaze for longer than a second or two.

Like last night he was silent. Della unconsciously fiddled with her hair. Her mind already spiraling into how he was revolted by her. That it was a shame she was his daughter

Deciding to take a different approach from last night and extremely uncomfortable with the silence between the two Della asked softly "Uhh, what did you want to discuss?"

He snorted softly.

"Do you want anything from me?" He asked dryly.

Della's heart sunk.

"Uhh no."

Rowan started walking, nodding his head towards the forest indicating she should follow. She took hurried steps to catch up. He set a leisurely pace for them as they strolled towards the trees.

"Why did you come?"

"Well my aunt-"

"You're referring to Annore."


"I remember her. Please continue."

"Oh, uh ok. So Annore kind of forced my hand. She was moving back to Doranelle and people would likely recognize me and so, so uh, it would be better for you to know about me first rather than hearing about it through rumors."

Della eliminated the detail that she was worried he would send an assassin after her. He probably wouldn't take to kindly to that suggestion and she certainly did not want to give him any ideas.

"Do you wish to return to Doranelle?"

Oh. She had not thought that far ahead. Truthfully that was an option now that he knew about her. But would he offer her protection while so far away?

He paused and looked at her. Noticing that he was still waiting for a response Della chuckled nervously.

"Well uh I hadn't thought..."

"You are welcome to stay. If that is what you want. Or if you wish to return to Doranelle I can arrange for that as well. I am grateful that you came to see me rather than settling for rumors." He said quite matter of factly.

Della nodded unsure of what to say. What did she want? Going home to Annore did sound wonderful but that meant traveling again so soon after she'd just arrived. And she'd be far away and potentially vulnerable to his enemies. Staying meant he would probably offer her some type of protection.

Would she ever get the opportunity to meet her father again. She was certainly a coward if she chose to pass this up. But she'd be a burden to him and staying would be selfish plus she truly didn't want anything from him.

They continued walking. Which thankfully made it so that she didn't have to make constant eye contact with him.

"I'd like you stay." Rowan said to her.

Now it was Della's turn to stop and stare. He averted his eyes. She could see that the declaration made him feel vulnerable as if he was afraid that she would reject him.

"You want me to stay? What of your mate?"

"Aelin would like it if you stayed as well. I also owe you an explanation." He paused he seemed to be thinking of what to say. His face had returned to cold and neutral but his eyes still seemed to looked pained. "Your mother wasn't my mate, not my true mate."

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