Chapter 5

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She was a wreck, at any moment she would simply fall apart from nerves. She'd accidentally cut herself four times this morning while clipping fresh flowers. Thankfully, she had already healed courtesy of her Fae heritage so she didn't get any blood on the assortment of white flowers.

The royal couple had gone with a green, gold and white color scheme, so Haleen and her crew were providing an abundance of white flowers and green vines. They had already filled one wagon full of product and Haleen had gone with the first load to the castle so that she could start setting everything up. Della and the other gardener were still at the greenhouse prepping the last of the flowers for when the wagon returned to them and the plants up. 

Della did not have a plan for what she would do once she arrived at the castle. Really she was just hoping that he would see her and welcome her with open arms. She knew that was a foolish hope but, if she thought of any other situation she might collapse from panic so Della did her best to mindlessly clip flowers.

"That's the last of it." Della announced. She and her companion placed the the buckets, bundles and boxes of flowers near the door to be loaded. Then left to go get themselves ready.

The entirety of the wedding staff had been given new clothing for the event, so that they would match the other servants that would be attending to the wedding. It was a simple pale green dress with a square neck and flowing skirt. The dress also came with pockets which pleased Della more than she would ever admit. She quickly fixed her hair, deliberately leaving the bulk of it down hoping it would catch her fathers eye. Deciding on two small braids that connected behind her head; that way at least the front pieces were out of her face. She still had a job to do. After one last check in the mirror to ensure she looked clean and professional Della strode out to greet the driver and help load the wagon.

"Is the castle packed?" Della asked by way of greeting.

"Aye" he grumbled "General Ashryver is well loved by the Bane so he invited every single one of them and their families. Plus there is the usual foreign nobles who have come as well."

The news did nothing for her nerves. So many people would make it hard for her father to see her.

The wagon was loaded quickly and soon they were off. Della could hardly stop herself from shaking, she considered asking to turn around and pretend she wasn't feeling well but she doubted she would ever get an opportunity like this again.

"Have you ever been to the castle before?" The driver asked. Her discomfort was so obvious he was clearly trying to help settle her nerves.

Giving a tense chuckle Della shook her head.

"We'll don't stress it. It is very beautiful and the staff is very friendly so if you get turned around they'll be quick to help."

Their third companion chimed in asking "How is Haleen? She must be frantic trying to set it all up"

"Oh she is. If she snips at you today don't take it too personal, that's just the stress talking."

Della twisted her hair around her fingers. The castle gates coming into view. They were taking a side entrance into the palace walls.

The guard stopped them and after digging through their flowers and a light pat down to ensure they weren't bringing in any weapons or contraband they were granted access.

Hopping down from the wagon Della thought that the castle being packed was an understatement, this was a mad house. Servants hustled and bustled about with food and decor and furniture. Without even being asked servants surrounded Della helping her unload the flowers from the wagon. She followed them into the castle, her knuckles white from gripping the box she carried so tightly. Walking up the brightly lit servants hallway Della was unable to see much of the castle. She knew the ceremony itself would be taking place in the throne room and the the celebration would move to the great hall for music, dancing and food. Thus giving them two rooms and the main hallway to decorate.

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