Chapter 34

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Fenrys pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

"Della," he said, hesitant, clearly unsure of what to say, but instead of continuing he kissed her head again. 

Della was content to just be silent, she was still tired but reluctant to sleep again.  She was also unsure of how to move forward, did she excuse herself back to her room? She suspected that her bedroom would be in good shape despite the gathering room being blasted to pieces, but the question was would Fenrys let her? She knew he worried for her and she wanted to minimize the burden she inflicted upon him but would that be done best through staying or leaving?

She shifted in his arms, working to stand up but Fenrys tightened his grip. "If you think I am letting you go back to your room tonight you're crazy," he said.

"I don't want to bother you," she replied defensively.

He huffed a distinctly male sigh, "It will bother me more if you leave. Just stay." With out further comment and not giving her the opportunity to respond he stood up, set her down gently but clasped her hand still, as if afraid that if he let go of her she would bolt back to her room, flipped back the blankets and climbed into the bed pulling her with him. Della was half tempted to object, if only for the sake of propriety but decided against it simply cause she was tired and didn't actually care that much. Despite her feelings and his teasing they were friends and this was an act of friendship. Fenrys once again guided her to him, they both lay on their sides facing each other with one of his arms resting beneath her pillow and the other across her waist as he held her to him.

It was warm and comfortable, safe. Nerves and butterflies bubbled and fluttered inside her, she silently recited to herself that to take his kindness at face value but it was extremely difficult given his massive chest and arms sent her mind in routes it should not go. He smelled really good and she foolishly hoped that she also smelled good.  She reflected back to her first night in the castle where she had been so nervous and had likely smelled terrible because of it, she gave a soft laugh, how things had changed.

"What?" Fenrys asked.

"Do you remember my first night in the castle when you refused to let me leave my room? Now you won't let me return to it."

He also huffed a small laugh, he paused remembering that night, " I remember being grateful that you did try to leave, I was so curious to see what you looked like but I'd been ordered to not disturb you." Another soft chuckle, "you looked so frantic to leave, it was almost adorable. But then I called you Princess and your scowl looked exactly like Rowan that there was no mistaking who you were." He paused again, " then when you went back inside I could hear you crying into your pillow. Even then I wanted to go in and comfort you, if I hadn't been ordered to leave you alone I would've..."

Della felt a blush stain her cheeks embarrassed that he had heard her that night despite her attempts to be quiet, she tucked her chin hoping he wouldn't notice, but failed miserably, again. With his knuckle and forefinger he tilted her face back up to him, his dark eyes meeting hers, "I'm honored to comfort you tonight, dearest Della." His eyes were locked on hers, further conveying the sincerity he felt.

It was overwhelming and endearing and she, despite her most diligent efforts, could not maintain eye contact, instead her eyes dropped to his handsome mouth, that she suddenly so desperately wanted to kiss. She caught herself and forced her eyes back up to his. The whole thing had probably only been half a second but he'd noticed, again. She looked at him, her embarrassment intensifying with every passing millisecond, his own eyes flitted to her lips before giving her a wicked smile.

"Goodnight Della," with that he quickly released her from his grip and promptly rolled over.

She was stunned, offended? Was that a rejection? She didn't know but decided to just leave it, that this sort of mid-way of teasing and flirting was best for both of them. Yes, her feelings were pricked but he was being generous and she was being greedy.  So she also rolled over and did her best to ignore the handsome, caring male beside her.

However, ignoring him proved extremely difficult, she could feel the warmth of his body radiating and it made her mind wander. For some reason she'd always thought that he slept shirtless, but apparently that was not the case. Della was undecided on whether that was a good or bad thing given her current situation. She had seen him shirtless before while training during the summer time. Fenrys was deliciously muscled, she'd had to work not to stare at him; now she had to work not to daydream about those muscles. She imagined that his skin would be warm beneath her fingers, what the ridges of his scars would feel like.


She thought to herself, afraid that if she continued any further her scent would change and give her away. If that happened, there would be no stopping her, she would leave back to her room no matter how much he protested. Della mapped out her escape route; since the main door was locked from the inside, she would leave through his balcony and fly over to the one attached to her chambers. The windows had been blowout during her nightmare and so she would have no issue getting inside. 

Interrupting her thoughts, the scent of subtle musky arousal drifted towards her. She went rigid, Fenrys rigid beside her. Della flushed with embarrassment, blushing from the tips of her ears clear to her toes. What should she do? Should she say something? Oh the departed gods help her.

Fenrys coughed, harshly once, "excuse me," he said before practically fleeing from the bed and vanishing into the attached bathroom.

Della was unsure of what to do, one part of her was completely and wholly mortified, but another part of her was giddy beyond belief.

Personally, I love a slow burn.

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