Chapter 3

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Over the last few months Della learned many things about herself.

First and foremost, that she is not even a little bit of a brave person. Nor did she enjoy attempting to be brave, she would gladly damn her honor in exchange for never having to complete another act of bravery regardless of how small.

She also learned that she did not enjoy riding in wagons or boats. She disliked long journeys and traveling in general. Della had also decided that she was a picky eater and that all humans were bad cooks. It was sufficient to say Della had not enjoyed the journey at all.

The first few days had gone by slowly. But then the days felt like weeks and the weeks felt like days. Before she knew it she was at the coast and boarding a ship to Terrasen. Parting with Masse had not been difficult, he was very bossy and annoying. Just because Della looked younger didn't mean she was younger, she had over a hundred years on him yet he had offered his "guidance" on literally everything, including the times she went to bed. Not wanting to make a scene Della had accepted his constant advice which was just another reminder to herself that her father would not want her. The male had been on the frontlines of a revolution and she couldn't even stand up for herself to an asinine old man.

The sailors had been worse, but in a different way. She was painfully aware of their lingering gazes and what it meant. Thankfully her Fae heritage was in fact a deterrent to those who would take advantage of a lone female traveler.

Della had fallen prey before to men who seemed charming and smooth but we're actually selfish and sleazy.

When she was about 40 and still living with Annore she'd snuck off one evening to meet up with a young human healer, believing he cared for her. Rather he was interested in the bragging rights of sleeping with a Fae. Turns out humans were even worse in bed than they were in the kitchens.

The men she travelled with were not as bold as the young healer from before, they instead preferred wandering eyes and comments they thought she couldn't hear. Della was content to feign ignorance. However, when her magic had saved them from sinking in a storm those predatory looks subsided. Apparently human men were not aroused by females more powerful than them.

Now she was standing on the river docks of Orynth. Della was seriously considering hopping back on the boats she despised so much, in order to travel back home. She'd considered it multiple times on the trek here but Masse had stopped her each time and it wasn't like she could turn the ship around.

Della fought back her tears. Crying in public would be humiliating and would likely make her an easy target. But Della was afraid, and no matter how much she tried, or pretended or even used her father as inspiration she was not brave. She was afraid and a relatively shy girl in a city where she didn't know a soul. Hell she was on a continent where she didn't know a soul. 

She had plenty of money to live on for at least a month or two but she needed to be smart about it. Della considered walking straight to the castle but knew that was a fools errand. The palace guards would not take her seriously if she claimed to be Whitethorn's child. Given her current state of tattered clothing, disheveled hair and ashen skin (from being sea sick so constantly) even Della wouldn't have taken herself seriously.

So with shaking knees, from both the nerves and the strangeness of being on solid ground for the first time in a couple of months, Della began to look for an inn to stay at. She could get herself cleaned up and buy some new clothing so seemed more like a respectable citizen and less like a drunken vagrant.

The speed that Orynth had already rebuilt was impressive. During her travels she'd learned just how devastating the war had been. How the people of Terrasen had no more food, nor weapons, nor hope and how they nearly lost the city when Aelin and the army from the southern continent had shown up to defeat the demon army. Looking at the city now just 7 months later it was hard to see the scars of war. Thankfully it also made her being a Fae less strange than she had anticipated. Apparently many of the Fae native to the area had taken shelter among the Wolf Tribes deep in the North but now, with magic returned to the lands they had settled back into Terrasen. To add to that several of her cousins had chosen to remain in Orynth as well. Many had gone back with Sellene to help her claim the throne of Doranelle but not all. So her pale hair and green eyes was not an uncommon combination.


Entering the freshly painted inn Della swung her bag around her shoulder to her front as she began to fish for her coin purse. Eyeing the woman behind the desk, using the common tongue, Della asked timidly.

"Do you have any open rooms?"

The middle aged woman nodded saying

"Yes, although it not often we have guests from Doranelle."

Cocking her head to side, Della was curious what gave her away so easily.

The innkeeper smiled. "Your accent gives you away."

"Ah, yes."

"What brings you to Orynth?"

"I have family who resides in the city."

She disliked the humans questions. Revealing her identity too soon could potentially cost her her life.

"Yes, yes you do resemble the Whitethorns. Your pale silvery hair is hard to miss. Although yours has a bit of a blonder color."

Della's heart was in her throat. What should she do. Thank the heavens humans couldn't scent her emotions because she stunk of panic.

She smiled nervously.

"Uhh where can I find a place to buy new clothes. Traveling has worn mine out."

Hoping the woman would allow the change of subject Della resisted the urge to fidget nervously with her cursed silver-blonde braid.

"Oh, there's one just up the street, I can get you settled in your room first if you'd like."

"Yes please, do I uh pay you now or after?" Della asked instead awkwardly fiddling with her coin pouch.

The woman chuckled and said " I'm not sure how they do it in Doranelle but we'll take payment first. How long do you plan to stay?"

Della thought for a moment.

"Can I pay for a week in advance? Then if I need more I can pay for it then?"

Nodding her confirmation she took Della's payment and lead her up the stairs.

Della was staying in a small room on the third floor with the bathroom just down the hall. After taking a bath and changing into cleanest clothes she journeyed back to the streets of Orynth to find the clothing shop that the innkeeper had mentioned.

Della purchased 3 new shirts 2 new pants and a simple dress. After deciding that her boots had a couple more months in them she decided that a simple pair of slip-on brown clogs were appropriate so that she wouldn't have to lace up her tall boots every time she went to the bathroom. (The inn was clean but not that clean).

Upon returning to the inn with her new clothes and a full belly, Della decided she would spend the day resting and tomorrow she would begin the looking for a job that got her into the castle. She'd also keep her eyes peeled for any helpful information that might help her connect with her father.


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