Chapter 16

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Della felt her stomach bottom out. While she had slowly grown accustomed to hearing the title, for Almor to use it was telling.

Rowan and Aelin had the good sense to remain neutral and Della hoped that her face looked the same despite the fact she was sure her scent gave her away.

"Does this mean she is in line for the throne." Rowan asked.

"It does." Enda said calmly, "Though if Queen Sellene has any children they will precede her in succession." Shifting his eyes to Della he asked. "Is this agreeable?"

It was very agreeable. In fact it was preferable she hoped Sellene had lots and lots of daughter who then went on to have lots and lots daughters so that Della never had to go anywhere near the throne of Doranelle.

Of course she did not say all this. She merely settled for a cordial "It is."

Nodding Enda continued, "We'd like for you to return to Doranelle with us. To study politics, history and our laws with the best scholars we have to offer."

Della glanced to Rowan, Enda did the same. But her father was looking at her intently, his eyes seemed to say the choice is yours.

Hoping that she was understanding him Della shook her head.

"I wish to remain here."

Oren snorted loudly at that. "Well you certainly are not a female of many words. Must get that from your father." He chuckled to himself Enda seemed to also be amused by the observation given the half smile gracing his face.

Della began a silent tally of everything she'd said so far only for her thoughts to be interrupted by an excited Aelin saying;

"You should see her when she scowls! You can hardly tell them apart!"

Della rolled her eyes.

Apparently that was the wrong thing to do because Rowan had done the same thing and now even a small smile graced Almors lips. Only Remelle seemed unamused by their similarities. Well her and Vaughn seemed unamused.

While Della had outwardly rolled her eyes secretly she was thrilled by Oren's comment. She hoped that also gave off the same calm, cool and collected aura that Rowan put out because internally she felt like a flustered fool.

"Seeing that you and Rowan are so similar," Enda continued, "we anticipated that you would wish to remain in Terrasen and understand that trying to change your mind would be futile. So Lady Remelle and Oren have graciously accepted to stay in Terrasen and over see your studies."

Again Della found herself looking to Rowan and Aelin for guidance. However she did not find it this time. Both seemed to be throughly irked by Enda's declaration. What had Remelle done that had caused both to display such blatant irritation.

Enda having noticed Rowan and Aelin's displeasure belatedly asked "... if that is agreeable with your Majesty?"

"Lady Remelle is welcome to stay so long as she can keep her hands to herself." The smile Aelin gave Remelle was murderous and Della prayed she would never be on the receiving end of one. "Nor will I tolerate her assaulting or insulting my subjects."

Remelle had the audacity to roll her eyes.

"Of course of course. I should be offended that you think so lowly of me." Remelle said flippantly, waving her hand in the air accentuating her dismissal of Aelin's threat. "But since you are so young I will tolerate it."

Now it was Della's turn to be irritated by the stunning female. She wasn't even sure she wanted to be tutored by her.

"So it is settled." Almor cut in quickly not giving Aelin or Rowan the opportunity to bite back. "We would like to have Della formally visit court in Doranelle with in the next decade or so but we understand that you all wish to spend time as a family."

Rowan nodded and Della did the same.

"We are hosting a banquet in your honor tonight." Aelin said; shifting the conversation since apparently Remelle was non-negotiable. "There will be music and dancing. And Enda I am sure many here will be excited to see you again." Enda smiled politely accepting the invitation.

There were a couple of Whitethorn cousins who had remained in Orynth after the war. Della had met them all but they were so distant that it barely counted as family. The ones who had been close to her father as a child has returned to Doranelle in order to support Sellene with the throne.

The negotiation eased into a conversation now that the formalities were over. Rowan and Aelin were curious as to how Sellene faired and how their uncle was.

Oren seemed to admire Rowan in a manner similar to the way a puppy might. Remelle was cold and calculating even as the others bantered. She often name dropped and made it very clear to Della and Aelin that her father was one of the more powerful Lords in Doranelle. Almor on the other hand was warm and wise. Della was pleasantly surprised by the males handsome smile. Apparently he was not strictly business as Della had originally believed. Vaughn remained his usual reserved self saying little and watching much.

Eventually Remelle excused herself saying that she wished to rest before the banquet began. Almor and Vaughn followed shortly after with similar reasons leaving behind only the Whitethorns.

The second the door shut behind Vaughn Rowan shot Enda a knowing look.

Enda raised his hands in surrender. "I know I know. Before you tear into me at least give me the chance to explain."

"I don't know how you can. If I have offended you all in some way this punishment is too much." Rowan said dryly.

"Sellene didn't send her to punish you."

Finally understanding that they were taking about Remelle staying in Terrasen, Della dedicated her full attention to this conversation.

"It certainly doesn't feel that way." Aelin grumbled. "I've met the female once before and already am sick of her."

"Sellene despises her as well," Enda offered. "She's been desperate to get her out of Doranelle and this was the only place she could send her that wouldn't appear as an insult."

"If I say that I feel insulted will you take her back?" Aelin asks with a tinge of hopefulness.

Enda shot her a look. Oren grinned.

"To be fair if anyone is qualified to teach court etiquette it's her" Enda countered.

Rowan rolled his eyes. "I've never been keen to court politics."

"All the more reason for her to stay." Enda interrupted, "I mean no disrespect but she grew up in the countryside and many do not hold you in high regards Rowan. You are fighting an uphill battle and if you wish for Della to have any chance at being respected in court then she at least needs to know how it operates. Remelle is influential and cunning and while she may grate she is also useful."

"Contrary to your opinions," Oren said softly, "public opinion matters. If for some reason she does ever take the throne she needs to be able to survive. And even if she doesn't take the throne if she cannot hold her own then you will spend your life defending her from those both home and abroad."

Della bit her lip. They were right, if she only ever hid behind Rowan then she would mark herself as an easy target when he was away. Besides to play the bumbling fool would tarnish Rowan's reputation and Aelins. Perhaps even Doranelle's. While Remelle seemed insufferable she did not come with out merit.

"If it is any consolation I am remaining to also assist with tutoring." Oren offered.

Apparently this was satisfactory to Rowan and Aelin. The two nodded. After that they excused themselves to go complete their duties prior to the banquet. Leaving Della to sit and mull over the changes her life would take with this new development.


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