Chapter 14

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Della stood at the edge of the training field wondering if she could fly away before anyone noticed.

The area was divided into four sections; one for archery, one for swords, one for hand to hand combat and another one for magical combat. The people expecting her were in the magic training section on the far side from where she stood. Making her also consider that if she turned back around they just might be too far away to notice. However they likely would notice, Aelin's inner court missed nothing. Which made the thought of training with them so much worse.

These were undoubtedly some of the best warriors in the world, if not the very best. And Della on the other hand was pitifully uncoordinated. Transitioning from Fae to bird was already difficult to do without stumbling. She also didn't have mastery over her magic. This whole prospect was going to be painfully embarrassing for both her and her father. To make matters worse there were knights out on the field as well, while she was confident Rowan and Aelin might temper their reactions she was not confident that the guards would.

Della bit back a groan. Really she should've pushed to not do this yesterday when she had the chance. Maybe she could feign illness? Rowan had certainly been concerned yesterday. But that would only solve her problems short term. Maybe she could would get lucky and they would chop off her leg? Doubtful, people skilled in combat wouldn't accidentally chop off her leg.

Scowling, Della and her cursed legs reluctantly walked towards the far side of the area.

"What is that scowl for?" Fenrys said at her approach. "Rowan hasn't even began his lesson."

"What?" Della asked. She scanned the group in front of her among them was Fenrys, Rowan, Aelin, Aedion, Lysandra, Lorcan, and Vaughn. She knew that the young king had left the night before to return to his own kingdom.

Drawing her attention back to him. Fenrys said "Your father is a bit of a sadist in the training ring."  Della bit back the urge to groan. Of course he was.

Rowan did not deny nor did anyone else offer up a statement countering Fenrys's claim.

"Shouldn't you return your own training." Rowan said in dismissal of the blond Fae male. Fenrys began walking away but not before shooting Della a knowing look.

"Come." Rowan then shifted into his falcon form and took to the skies. Huffing a sigh Della shifted and followed him.

The two didn't fly far, just to a meadow located right outside the city.

Rowan yet again was the peak of grace in his shifting and landing while Della true to her nature was clumsy and choppy.

"I figured you wouldn't want an audience."

She didn't and she was pathetically grateful that he noticed. Perhaps his all seeing eyes weren't exclusively the curse she thought them to be.


Panting Della wiped the sweat from her brow. Her and Rowan had been at this for over 2 hours and he showed no signs of stopping.

She was exhausted, physically, mentally and magically. They had been practicing releasing a small, controlled breeze of wind and it was hopeless. Any attempts either ended in her releasing one big gust or one so small that it was absolutely useless.

Like she anticipated she had no self discipline and Rowan had said as much.

Though that was interesting. Rowan often times would go to say something but then stop himself. He did not hesitate to offer her criticism or pointers but she could tell he was tempering the words he used for her. Whether he did that because he knew how sensitive she is or because he hoped to prove Fenrys's earlier claim wrong she didn't know. But she was grateful either way.

She knew herself well enough to know that she would crumple under the harsh criticism he seemed to be avoiding.

Interrupting her train of thought Rowan asked. "How is your magic? Are you in danger of burning out?"

Della turned inward. Taking stock of her body and the well of magic within.

"No, I am fine." It only occurred after she had answered that she could've lied instead.

"Have you had a burnout before?"

"Yes, I was around 30 and a storm blew in and it lasted for hours and hours. I hadn't realized that I'd used so much at the beginning and held on for too long."

Della shivered at the memory. It had taken nearly a week to recover and the storm had lasted for several days. So she and Annore had lost most of their supply.

Rowan nodded. Then turned his eyes skyward. Della followed his line of sight to an osprey headed straight for them.

A flash of light and Vaughn landed smoothly before them speaking to Rowan.

"Aelin needs you."

Della could've kissed the male. Surely Rowan would pause their training to go and help his beloved mate.

As if on que, her father said "Let's return to castle. Della you will rest but I would like you to continue to practice by yourself after lunch."

Della choked back her groan but apparently didn't hide her scowl because Vaughn said dryly.

"She does look like you when she does that."

She only deepened her scowl but Rowan's lips tugged up at the corners slightly.

The three Fae shifted and flew back to the castle. Miraculously, Della was able to keep up. How her father hadn't noticed her reluctance to flying was a mystery since the male seemed to notice everything else. She was undecided if that was a blessing or a curse. It would be a blessing to be able to not fly so much but a curse in the sense that to admit as much would be unreasonably embarrassing.

Rowan flew straight to the balcony attached to his private study and Vaughn to a separate one. Della flapped about in a circle scanning the outside of the castle trying to find the balcony to her room. After a moment of scanning the many located on this side of the castle. She shifted and strode for the door leading to her bedroom.

Locked. The door was locked. Of course it was. Della groaned in frustration contemplating which would be easier; finding a different balcony or entering through the courtyard.


Turning towards the direction of the shout Della spotted Fenrys standing on the balcony to the right of her own.

"Come this way!"

Shifting and flying over Della mentally prepared herself for the teasing the male was sure to unleash. Of all the people in the castle of course he was the one to notice her.

"Thanks." She grumbled by way of greeting "I was dreading the walk up the stairs."

"I'm always happy to help my favorite princess out." He said giving her a look that said he knew how much she hated that he'd just referred to her as Princess.

Already exhausted from training with her father Della was in no mood for his banter.

She breathed in deeply then let herself into his room without waiting for his invitation. It was opulently decorated but in the styles of Doranelle rather than of Terrasen that Aelin so clearly favored.

Fenrys came up behind her pointing to the door on the far side of the room. "Take that and then turn left to the receiving room the door in there will take you to the hallway. Our quarters should have a similar layout."

Nodding Della made her way across the room eager to make her way to a bathtub.

"I'll send someone to bring you food." Fenrys called after her.

Glancing over her shoulder Fenrys's eyes seemed softer.

"Thank you." She said before slipping out of his bedroom and making her way into her own.


1312 words.

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