Chapter 12

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"Yes, yes I'm fine." she responded trying to stomp out the quivering in her voice.

His eyes narrowed slightly in disbelief. "You're shaking."

Little did he know her shaking from nerves and fright was practically a constant state of being for Della.

"Truly I am fine."

"It's okay if you're not."

She finally looked up; his onyx eyes bore into her own. They were kinder than she had seen from him before. It seemed that beneath that mischievous arrogance and blinding grin Fenrys was deeply caring towards others.

"Rowan and Aelin will not force you into the bloodoath." He said solemnly; those dark caring eyes mirrored the sincerity in his voice.

Della nodded. She refrained from saying that she did not believe the bloodoath to be an honor and would sooner return to Doranelle rather than swear it. She imagined that the bloodsworn warrior standing before her wouldn't appreciate her calling it a fools bargain. So she desperately hoped that they would be able to curb the nobles demands for a bloodoath.

"I'm fine I promise." He was still holding her, still looking at her. "I guess I just didn't expect the yelling."

He nodded again then rubbed his hands up and down her arms before stepping away.

The yelling in the main room had subsided but Della didn't really want to go back in. Fenrys seemed to sense her trepidation.

"If you'd like we can take a walk around the castle gardens." He offered in place of returning.

Before she could voice her agreement Vaughn stepped out of the council rooms.

"Rowan said that you do not have to return to the meeting, if you wish." Vaughn said to her directly.

He was handsome, like the rest of the people here. He had dark shaggy hair. It wasn't long like Lorcan's or Fenrys's just a little overgrown. It suited him, he had this quiet handsomeness to him as opposed to Fenrys's blatant beauty. He also seemed to have a level of humility that the rest of the court seemed to lack.

Fenrys spoke up "We we're just about to take stroll through the garden if you'd care to join us."

"Perhaps next time," Vaughn said, cordially declining, "I was going to notify Doranelle of the Princesses arrival."

Della had forgotten that part. While many of the Whitethorns were here at the castle Doranelle would need a formal announcement. This was another kingdom that would likely view her as a threat. Would Sellene, her own cousin, view her as a threat? Since Doranelle went through the maternal line she was currently the sole heir to the throne.

Vaughn bid them farewell and strode down the hallway, Fenrys and Della did the same but instead headed the opposite direction. Her hand yet again tucked into the crook of his elbow while his opposite hand clasped her fingers.

"Vaughn acts as the diplomat to Doranelle for Terrasen." Fenrys explained.

"I see." Della flicked her eyes to Fenrys she didn't know him well enough to be able to deduce whether he was in a good mood or not but she decided to risk her question regardless. "Uh Fenrys- who was the red haired man with the beard."

"That would be Lord Sloane." Fenrys released a short, sharp sigh then continued "Darrow he's a bastard but he cares for Terrasen. Sloane...Sloane I don't like very much, I find him obnoxiously selfish."

"Oh, I see." Della chanced another question "is he powerful?"

At that question Fenrys stopped in his tracks and turned to face her. Once again the male held her gently between his arms but a respectful distance away from his body.

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