Chapter 26

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Della groaned and slowly tried to shift to a more comfortable position. While she was on the mend her body was extremely tender, the bruising was fading fast by human standards but slow by Fae standards. The poison had taken such a toll on her body that it was having to heal inwards first then outwards. Hence the bruising was still present 4 days later.

In addition to the full body bruises Della had cracked ribs a broken wrist and a dislocated knee and hip. The worst of the damage though was done to her throat and gut. Rowan wasn't exaggerating when he said they had over done it on the poison. It had burned her insides so throughly that the healers had deliberately kept her unconscious for a couple of days so that they could repair her throat. Thankfully, that was mostly done and over with and now Della was just left with aches and pains that made sleeping uncomfortable. Because of her cracked ribs she was only allowed to lay on her back and as a devout side sleeper Della found this highly bothersome.

She shifted again fighting the urge to roll her side.

"Are you in pain?" Came Fenrys's voice from beside her. It lacked his usual amusement.

"Not especially. I just can't get comfortable." She looked at him sitting in the spot her father had occupied the last couple days. "How'd you manage that?" She asked.

Fenrys half smiled at her, humor lighting his eyes. "Aelin about dragged him out of here. She threatened to set this chair on fire if he didn't get his ass to bed. But your father was worried that the smoke would damage your lungs so he left to rest for a bit. I figured I'd keep you company in the meantime."

Della nodded.

"Lysandra has stopped by several times but each time you've been asleep."

"Oh, sorry...I-" stupidly she felt bad for missing her friend and wanted to go visit her but she was much too sore to walk.

"We can send for her in the morning." Fenrys offered.

"What time is it?"

"I'd guess about 3:00 or 4:00 dawn is only a couple hours away."

Again guilt flooded her at forcing someone to stay up and wait on her hand and foot. However, Lysandra's words came shortly after reminding her that her family was choosing to help and care for her and that she's not forcing them to do anything. So instead Della asked, "Have you slept much?"

"More than your father thats for sure."

She gave him a half smile "I'll take that as a no."

He smiled at her sheepishly, "Part of it because of a book I have been reading." She glanced down, trying to read the title of the book in his lap.

"Yeah? What book?"

His smile grew, "Oh dearest Della I do not want to offend your royal princess ears."

The memory of Fenrys explaining his fondness for erotic literature made Della blush.

He laughed. He leaned forward, extending his hand towards her but then stopped. She was disappointed he stopped. She wanted him to touch her and she wanted to touch him.

Oh goodness, Della thought to herself. Her faced burned hotly with her embarrassment.

Fenrys chuckled his dark eyes somehow, someway seemed darker. Not that that made sense but they were. His eyes held some secret she couldn't quite make out, some secret he didn't want her to make out.

"What are you thinking of my dearest Della?" he said with a low voice.

"I could ask you the same thing" she responded softly.

He blinked at her, shifted closer again and then stopped, blinked again and pulled back abruptly. He cleared his throat and ran a hand down his face.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

She gave a small huff both upset and relieved at his feeble attempt to change the subject. Was Fenrys blushing? "Still fine." Della answered, humored by him being flustered. "I don't mean to be rude but I think all this is a bit much."

"Perhaps...but you didn't see yourself. What you looked like crumpled at the bottom of the stairs bleeding and barely breathing." Fenrys's whole body tensed at the memory. He coiled tight as if preparing to attack any threat. Della wondered how much of it was simply the male-ness of him and how much of it was him caring for her. How much did she want it to be because he cared for her?

Della, without letting herself over think, lifted her hand to him gently clasping his warm fingers in her own. Giving a weak squeeze she said "Thank you." She was thanking him for saving her, and for caring for her even when it became a touch overbearing, yet she couldn't bring herself to say more.

Fenrys eyes hinted that he understood as he said, "Always." He brought his mouth to her hand and kissing the back of it so so gently. It was simple, but the action sent warm butterflies through her whole body. A welcome, breezy warmness that was so unlike the heat of the poison from days before. The heaviness from moments earlier returned with sweet vengeance. Della was desperate for more yet also afraid of it.

Fenrys's chest heaved, like he was struggling to breathe. The tightness in his body relaxed a touch, took a different tone. He sat back up but he still held her hand. Della didn't pull it from him. She let herself feel the calluses on his palms, the slow, soft circles his thumb now traced on the back of her hand.

They stayed like that for a moment, breathing heavily. She couldn't bring herself to look Fenrys in the eyes. She wasn't sure what she would do if she did. She wasn't sure of what she would see in his eyes, wasn't sure of what he would see in hers.

"I know I've asked twice now but how are you feeling? Emotionally I mean." His voice seemed choked, he cleared his throat again but didn't pull away like last time. "I mean that was scary, an attempted kidnapping."

"Oh, I don't know. Fine I guess, I haven't really thought about it yet."

Fenrys nodded. "Your father said you were having nightmares..."

"I don't remember having any." Della scowled searching her memories. She looked up at Fenrys and shook her head. "Perhaps whatever the healers did stops me from remembering them?"

"That's good, I suppose." He paused, "If you- I know there are a lot of people here who are able to help you. That you can talk to and they'll understand. But I want you to know that I am also here for you if you need. That if you ever want to talk about it, I am here for you. Anytime you need."

Della gave him a small smile. "Thank you." She said again.

"Always." He said again.


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