Dear Diary,
Johnny has been acting weird lately. Maybe it's just my imagination, but he seemed so secretive and jumpy this past week. I wanna assume it's because he's filming the new Pirates Film for the next three months, but something about his behavior tells me otherwise. It all started last week, after we finished our couples cheat day...
Johnny and I were lying on the couch, curled up together. I rubbed my fingertip around the rim of my wine glass as Johnny kissed my temple. We were both drunk on wine and full of the pizza we had for dinner.
"Oh God..." I groaned. "Did we seriously just eat an entire pizza and drink a whole box of wine between the two of us?"
Johnny jiggled the box and listened to the last trickles of wine swish around. "Looks like we did" he said.
"See? That's the dangerous thing about boxed wine! It's not like bottled wine" I slurred. "You can never see how much you've dranken... drinken...? Drunken?"
"Drunk?" Johnny corrected.
"Maybe a little..." I broke into giggles.
Johnny chuckled along and hugged me, nuzzling his face into my collarbone. "I love you, Y/N" he said.
"Is that you or the wine talking?" I asked him.
"I don't need wine to say that... especially when I'm saying it to you" Johnny said. "Or would you rather hear it from Captain Jack Sparrow..." he spoke in the character's voice.
I laughed. "No. You know I prefer the man I fell in love with" I told him.
"You don't get bored with just me?" He asked.
"Never" I ran my fingers through his hair.
We paused and just laid there, enjoying the feeling of each other being so close. I broke the silence by giggling.
"What?" Johnny asked.
"No. Tell me. What's so funny?" He asked.
"Okay... when I was a little girl and the first Pirates film came out, I had a crush on Captain Jack..."
"Really?" Johnny said in the Captain Jack voice.
"Yes" I smiled. "And since then I always had this silly little fantasy involving Captain Jack Sparrow..."
"What was it?" Johnny asked.
"Well... I always used to imagine Captain Jack Sparrow would--"
"Miss Y/N..." came a voice. "Miss Y/N!"
My eyes snapped open to see Malcolm, one of Johnny's bodyguards tapping me on the shoulder.
"We're at the set, Miss Y/N" He said.
"Thank you, Malcolm" I rubbed my eyes and grabbed my purse. "I don't know why, but I always fall asleep during long car rides."
I stepped out of the car and onto the set of the next Pirates Film. I slipped my visitor's pass card around my neck, but my mind was racing with what Johnny wanted me here for.
He called me this morning saying I needed to come to the set to see him and that he had something to tell me. He was pretty light on the details though, all he said was that what he had to tell me was important and he couldn't talk about it to me over the phone...
...And my mind had been racing with worst case scenario's ever since! What could he mean? Is he breaking up with me? Did someone die? Is there another woman? My God! What if he has... the big C?! I tried to get him to quit smoking!
I stepped into Johnny's trailer and waited. Malcolm said he was signing autographs for the crowds outside and that he should be here in a bit. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself, I love him so much I can't lose him now. Whatever it is, I promised myself I'd stand by him.
If there was something bothering him, I needed a way to lighten the mood. I crouched down into a closet and waited for him to come in, so I could jump out and surprise him.
I heard some faint voices outside and then the door of the trailer opened and closed. I heard Johnny sigh and sit down in the seat in front of the make up vanity. He fiddled with his dreadlocks and I took the opportunity to strike.
"Hi-ya, babe!" I exclaimed, leaping out of the closet and hugging him from behind.
He jumped and I kissed his cheek... although it was only after I kissed him that I realized... this guy wasn't Johnny.
I felt myself blush as I let go of him. "Sorry, Anthony..." I said softly.
"That's quite alright, Miss Y/N" Anthony said. "No harm done."
Anthony was Johnny's body double for the Pirates films, he did all the stunts that were deemed too dangerous for Johnny, or could pose an insurance risk for Disney.
"It's just that you and Johnny look so alike from the back when you're in costume" I explained.
"Don't worry, it's not the first time I was mistaken for Johnny" Anthony shrugged.
"Speaking of which, have you seen him?" I asked.
"No, can't say I have..." he walked out of the trailer, giving me a weird little half smile.
I jumped a foot in the air as I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. "Gotcha!" I heard Johnny's voice laughing in my ear.
"Hey! No fair! I wanted to surprise you!" I told him.
"Not possible" Johnny told me. "You know I'm sneaker than you!"
I turned around to face him, he was still decked out in his Captain Jack costume, dreads and all.
"What did you want me here for?" I asked concerned.
"Uh... I missed you" he said.
"Bull!" I called him out. "You said you had something to tell me... something you couldn't say over the phone?"
"Is it so hard to believe that I simply missed my beautiful girlfriend?" Johnny asked.
"Are you just going to keep answering my questions with more questions?" I asked.
"Do I do that?" He smirked.
"Johnny..." I whined.
"No, Johnny's not here right now..." He said in the Captain Jack voice. "Please leave a message after the beep... beeeeeep!"
I rolled my eyes and grabbed my purse. "Tell Johnny I'll see him at home" I turned to leave the trailer and head back to the car.
"Y/N..." Johnny walked after me. "C'mon, what's going on? Why are you so cranky for?"