👧🦿The Fugitive 🦎🕴

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Dear Diary,

My husband is away on business again. It's times like these, I like to look back to my youth when I first met him. Back when I was just a little girl and he was a man named Johnny, who pulled off tricks like you wouldn't believe. In fact, ours is a love story that is practically unbelievable! But since I already have your attention, I'll tell you anyway...

Summer 2006

I was seven years old then, living in the small town of Matson. And in a time before smartphones, we went to the park to play. Although I normally just watched the other kids play. I was an insecure about approaching them because of... well, my right leg.

When I was born, the doctors noticed my right leg was smaller than my other limbs. They had to amputated it and fit me for a prosthetic leg from the hip down. I didn't even learn to walk properly until I was four.

I didn't feel comfortable playing with the other kids, because I knew they would tale one look at my leg and take pity on me and let me win. And that is something I can't stand. I appreciate what they're trying to do, but it still feels like I'm being singled out from the rest.

But I had my mind on other things. At the moment, I had a crush on an older male.

Some people say that's inappropriate and gross. But let's be honest, we all had a crush on an older male growing up, be it a fictional character or authority figure. Some girls had crushes on their English teacher, some had their eye on Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I preferred Johnny. He was the man who moved into our apartment building three months ago.

Every night after dark, I went to the park and played by myself. Mostly I enjoyed laying on a blanket and looking up at the stars. I don't thinking people take enough time to look up and appreciate a clear night sky. It's one of those sights you can see regardless of traveling or spending money.

"Hey, Y/N" I heard Johnny's sweet voice. "Looking at the stars?"

"Yeah" I nodded. "They're beautiful..."

Johnny laid down beside me. "They're okay" he shrugged. "You see one cluster of flaming gas balls, you see 'em all. It's getting late, you want me to walk you home..."

"Can we play pirates?" I asked.

"I dunno, it's pretty late..."

"Please, Johnny..." I pouted.

"Don't give me that face" He said.

"What face?"

"That cute face you do, because you know I can't say no to it" He specified. "We can play pirates tomorrow."

"No, now!" I said. "C'mon! It's the perfect time! There's no one around. Do the magic!"

Johnny smirked. "Alright, for a little while" He agreed. "But it's your turn to be Captain Jack."

"No" I shook my head.

"It's your turn" Johnny insisted.

"But I can't turn into him like you do" I told him. "I don't have your magic!"

"Well, if I'm Captain Jack, then who are you going to be?" He asked.

"I'll be the beautiful stowaway" I batted my eyelashes.

Johnny grinned. "That suits you..."

"Now please do the magic!" I urged him.

"Okay!" Johnny got up and took a few steps back. He grabbed the brim of his brown fedora and pulled it down over head. And then his shoulders... and his waist... and his legs... until he was all swallowed up by the hat!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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