Jealousy; The Ugliest emotion. Pt. 2 (Kryten.)

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~Previously ~

The guys didn't seem to notice Y/n as they continue fighting one another. Y/n decided to take her pistol and shot it into the air to try and get the guy's attention. There was a stunned silence from the guys. "I said, what are you all doing?"

~And now~

There was another short silence, as Y/n crossed their arms appearing, rather obviously, unamused. "Well?" They asked, raising an eyebrow. just as suddenly, there was an outburst of stammering between all the guys. Y/n's face changed to one of confusion, "Alright, alright, one at a time!" They had yelled, trying to be heard over the guys. 

Kryten had taken a step forward towards them, "Well, it seems that we all share the same emotions, for you Y/n."

Y/n was frozen for a moment as if in shock, processing the information they had just heard. Finally they had looked up at the mechanoid infront of them. "Does, that go for you as well Kryres?" They asked him.

Kryten nodded. Causing Y/n to smile softly, walking over to Kryten and gently hugging him. "I, feel the same about you." They responded as they slowly felt kryten hug them in return.

"Really," He asked, "you truly mean that?" Y/n nodded. And they hugged for a while, in comfterble silence.

After a while, they had decided to get out of the game, hand in hand they walked down the ships halls towards the kitchen. Talking about everything and nothing on their way there.

Together they had decided to spend hours in the kitchen, baking with the limited supplies they had on the ship, finding the odd silence relaxing.

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