Jealousy; The Ugliest emotion. Pt. 1

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Y/n was sitting on her bed, in her sleeping quarters. She had her blanket around her shoulders while reading one of her favourite books.

It was one of the rare times that it was quiet upon the Red Dwarf ship. Witch was ironic because there were only five crew mates and the ships computer. There was also the fact that they were in deep space.

Y/n smiled to herself as she was able to finish another chapter of her book. Then another. Before long she was able to completely finish her book.

Once Y/n had done so, she had placed her book on the bedside table, gotten up, and went to investigate why it was so quiet in the first place.

Her first thoughts were to ask Holly, the ships computer, as to the locations if her fellow crew mates. He told her that they had specifically asked to be left alone.

This caused Y/n to become increasingly worried, wondering what her friends were trying to hide from her, if anything.

Even if they weren't hiding anything, why would a mechanoid, an evolved cat, a hologram and the last human male alive, all request to be alone, at the same time?

'Maybe I'm just over thinking this.' Y/n thought to herself as she stood in the corridor outside her sleeping quarters.

After a few minutes of pondering what to do, Y/n had decided it best to get something to eat before checking on the guys, just to make sure they were alright.

After walking around for a while, Y/n finally found the guys. They were connect to the VR machine, playing one of the games.

Y/n looked to the computer screen that was connected to the game to see what they were up to.

Once she did, she had to try to stop herself from laughing as she saw the boys attempt to fight with each other from within the game.

"Man, it's times like these I wish I had popcorn." Y/n said chuckling to herself. After a while of watching them fight each other, Y/n had decided enough was enough.

Y/n hooked herself up to the game, in order to talk to the others. Y/n arrived inside the game, "What are you all doing?"

The guys didn't seem to notice Y/n as they continued fighting one another. Y/n decided to take her pistol and shot it into the air in order to try and the guy's attention. There was a stunned silence from the guys. "I said, what are you all doing?" 

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