Groupchat #20

105 2 3

~Private Chat; Lister, Cat, Holly, Rimmer, Keryten~

David- texting Y/N.

David- I'm going to ask them to dinner.

David- How should I text it?

David- Let's get dinner, or, do you wanna get dinner?

Cat- Go with let's get dinner.

David- For Sure.

Holly- Actually no, now you sound kinda aggressive.

Holly- Because you don't wanna be the kind of guy that's like, LETS GET DINNER like your some sort of caveman.

Kryten- You're suppose to ask her to dinner not tell her to dinner.

Kryten- Just say, do you wanna get dinner.

David- Perfect.

Rimmer- Actually wait, now you kind of sound like a pussy.

David- This is tough!

Holly- The last thing you want is to be the over masculine guy like,


Cat- But Women also love assertiveness.

Cat- Say, dinner would be something I would enjoy taking you on, if you were also interested in attending the meal.

Kryten- The more words the better.

Holly- No wait, say, I would like nothing more, then to take you to the finest place on the ship.

Holly- For a lovely mean we call dinner.

David- Should I send that in a voice memo?

Arnold- FUCK THAT.

Arnold- Say dinner tonight 7pm.

Arnold- Take it or leave it.

Arnold- You bitch.

Arnold- Because she's playin' games now.

Arnold- Sign it, seal it, deliver it.

Arnold- I don't know why girls are so difficult all the time.

David- I- I'm not gonna say that.

Cat- Defiantly don't say that.

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