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So it started early in the morning when I was entering school. Tired as usual. As soon as I entered through the school doors, I saw this boy. I didn't know his name and I didnt want to find out because I was way too shy to say something to him. Oh wait, I didn't get to say who i am. Well im Alex, Alex Verlice and i am 15 currently in highschool. This is my story, my one sided love story. Ew i don't like the way that sounds haha. Well you can decide what to call this story all I gotta say is that this story is an emotional rollercoaster. So anyways, the boy. He was pretty tall and had a certain style that no other boy had. He would wear baggy jeans pants and an oversized sweatshirt. Also he had red dyed hair. His hair is originally black and I knew that because his roots were coming in. He would always have his earbuds in and he always looked pretty sad. Even depressed at times. I would see him pass by and I would fall in love. Yes it sounds very cheesy but I actually really liked him. This kept on going for about a couple weeks. I would intentionally pass by his classes or try to bump into him just so that I can get a glimpse of him. It was as if he was some type of medicine to me. He would sometimes not come to school and it would sadden me. He was so perfect in my eyes and I wanted him to be mine. My best friend since 6th grade whose name is Ariel Lopez would text me or tease me by saying "Hey Alex, look its your man". I would always get so bashful around him. I would also tell my other best friend Faith Chen about him. Faith, Ariel, and I are a trio and we tell each other almost everything. Sadly, Faith left school about a few months early because she had to deal with some things back in her hometown in Thailand. So me and Ariel would tell her through text messages what was going on with the boy and she too would tease me about this little crush that I had on this mysterious guy. But then one day I found out that he was in the same gym class as me. Since we were in the same gym class I would gte anxiety walking through those doors until Ariel came up to me one day and this is how our conversation went
"Heyyyy girl"
"Hey Ariel!"
"Well I think that he has a girlfriend because i saw him walking this girl to his her class and at the end they gave each other a hug :("
"Oh dang it :("
And then on course we move on to different topics which aren't really necessary to tell you guys. So during the whole week I was so down because I thought that I would never get the chance to be with him ever in my life. He was just TOO good for me. Or that's what I thought. So just sit back, grab your popcorn or whatever you want to grab and just enjoy my emotional rollercoaster. This story, if I am honest, can change at any moment.

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