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    So it's day two of both of us talking to one another. I learned that his favorite color is pink and that he has siblings. 3 to be exact. Two brothers and one sister. I never met them but I assume that they look just as cute as Jason himself. Nothing interesting happened on thursday besides the fact he wanted to date me officially. We only talked for two days and then he wanted to make it official. I agreed of course because I loved him and I assumed that he felt the same way. So that same day it was a friday and he had to pick his sister up from her friends house and since he was already outside he asked if i could go and see him. I agreed but I would have to do it in secret because my mom was home. So I told my mom that I was gonna go out for a walk and she said ok. We agreed to meet up at a park. I saw him in the distance and saw that Michael was with him so I got a bit nervous because I thought that it was just gonna be both of us alone. When I saw him I got butterflies in my stomach. He was finally here! I ran up to him and we gave each other a big hug. I felt like I was floating. Well I actually was because he carried me and was close to running away with me in his arms but I stopped him because I had to get home at a certain time. So we ended up kissing and giving each other a bunch of hugs and kisses later I was on my way home. While I was walking my way back home he posted this on snapchat with half of his face "Why do her lips taste like cherry soda?" to which i responded "wait really? Is that a bad thing?" and he said that it wasnt and it made me go crazy. Low and behold my dad catches me leaving the park and notices that Michael and Jason were there too. When I got in the car he said "Who are they? Do you know them?" I calmly said "No." One of my cousins saw what was happening and snitched on me by calling my mom and telling her what I was doing with the boys. You may wonder "How did she find out?" Well let me tell you that the woman drove by the park and coincidentally saw me and the boy hugging and kissing and she decided to tell my mom that it was me. So when I get home my mom is furious. The minute I entered the house my mom screamed out, "Alex, what were you doing with two boys at the park?" I was trying my best to hide that I was lying but that didnt go so well I said "Oh nothing they were just there. They got there when I was leaving". My mom didnt believe me one bit and if i am honest i feel horrible for lying to her. Of course my dad also got furious and he asked me to give him my phone. I told him to wait because I had to go downstairs to get the phone. It took a long time because I had to delete my social media and I had to delete any text messages that we both had so that they don't find out that we say stuff like "Good morning baby"  with a heart emoji or "I love you so much princess" with a heart emoji. I was pretty scared because they got very mad to the point where anything could possibly happen to anyone. I came back upstairs and my dad snatched the phone out of my hand. He saw it and saw that I was talking to Jason all night long. On the facetime log it shows who you have been facetime and who you have been calling and when you called. It also shows at what time you ended the call. When using iMessage you can set the photo of your choice to have them saved as your contact. I had a picture of him with his red dyed hair. Instantly my parents did not like him. "Is this the guy that you are falling in love with?!" exclaimed my father. "We are NOT in love, we are just friends." I yelled. On the inside I was so ashamed of saying that. I wanted to say Yes that Is my boyfriend but i know the reaction that I would get out of both of my parents. My dad asked "So what does he do? What does he want to do with his life in the future? What are his hobbies? Where are his parents?" And I would constantly reply " I don't know" when I actually did know. I wouldn't want them to stop me from being with him. MY father went the extra mile and called him on the phone and this is how it went
"Is this Jason?"
"Yes it is who is this?"
"It's Alex's dad. I will only say this once but stay away from my daughter."
"Don't contact her. Don't see her. Done text her. Don't call her. And don't talk to her again because if you do there will be consequences and i do not want to get to that point do you understand me"
"Yes sir"
"Ok bye have a nice day"

And just like that I thought that my relationship with my first ever "Real" boyfriend was over. I have dated only two people before him and they never felt as real as this one. Probably because back then I was still a child and didnt understand the concept of dating. So my parents took my phone away for only three full days, oh my parents are not that nice trust me. The rule was that I could only use the phone in front of everyone. I was not allowed to have it in my room at all. But I had my old phone which could still download some apps such as snapchat to try and talk to him. I talked to him and this is how the messaging went
        Hey im so sorry
hey it's ok
are you all right?
        Yeah im fine im just scared and you know sad
its ok i am here for you and i will never leave you
i love you
        Wait so we aren't gonna break up?
no and we will never break up
i don't care about your family issues i just wanna be with you and there is nothing that can separate me from you
        Omg i love you so much i thought that you were gonna leave me and that i would be lonely again
nah its ok i am here for you

And again we keep talking more and more and more and more. We couldn't facetime anymore because you know, i cannot have my phone in my room anymore. But I would still text him on my old phone. He would compliment me on my outfits and he would always talk about how cute I would look. And that was almost the entire day for friday. And the weekend comes around. Nothing much happened besides going out and shopping for some new clothes. That's literally what happened on those two days. Boy, I was not expecting what was going to happen on Monday and Tuesday.

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