Together For Never

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So soon after the whole entire thing with his friends and him and I ended, everything calmed down a bit. His friends still ended up liking me but he was the only one that didnt want to be associated with me anymore. And that was ok because It was time to move on and leave it in the past. Even Though I said that I wouldn't move one, I had to because it came to me that it was probably never meant to be. We would often pass by each other during the school day and if I am honest, it didnt hurt me seeing him happy. Matter of fact, I was even more happy that he was. Not just because I moved on and became a better person but also because he was happy with his new girl. I thought that it was going all well with everyone until out of the blue they all started ghosting me and started acting weird. For example, Michael stopped talking to me and he even blocked me on Snapchat. I don't know if it was because I rejected him but he out of nowhere decided to block me there. And also all of J.B's female friends started not being rude to me but somewhat distant from me. I got the feeling that since I wasn't their friend, I didnt mean anything anymore to them. It was all ok with me because I still had my support of Ariel, Harper, E.J, Adam, and many more people.
Ever since I found out that J.B and Sarah were dating I decided to take them out of my life. So my friend Harper would inform me about what is going on in the relationship, not that I cared but it's just that it seemed almost like a TV show for us now. Almost like a drama or a play. The first few days of them dating seemed pretty calm. They would hug in the hallways and kiss and blah blah blah. Not my concern. Anyways, but overnight that all changed. Harper texted me saying that she thinks that something was going on between both of them. I was curious and a little confused at the time because I thought that their relationship was going strong. Well, not really. They dated already and then broke up so I expected it to be the same as last time. Harper would describe Sarah's Posts which were rather depressing or sad such as "If you cannot handle me, then don't date me" or things about going back to your ex. It really didnt phase me because I'm not a stranger to those posts that she makes. So I just waited patiently to see what would happen.
It was the 6th day of them dating and during Algebra I got some news from Harper. I was sitting in algebra class waiting for the bell to ring when Harper dashed into the room and yelled out "ALEX!............ I GOT NEWS FOR YOU!" SO I ran up to her and headed outside of the classroom to hear this. What news could this possibly be? "They broke up." She whispered in my ear. I wasn't happy nor sad. I was just in a bit of shock. Every single day Harper would tell me "This relationship WILL NOT pass 1 week. I just know." I would just laugh it up and not think about it because you know, people can sometimes change. Boy was I wrong. Harper saw this coming and I didnt. Boy I sure am dumb to think that people will or would change for someone. I responded right before the loud bell rang "WHAT?!" In shock we both walked back inside the classroom and just kept talking about it the rest of the period. So that explained why they stopped being all the time. Yes they would sometimes be together in the hallways but not as much as me and him would spend time. Sarah was rather on the clingy side and J.B probably didg like that because one day she posted "Im clingy and if you cannot handle that then I'm sorry". I was left confused but now it all made sense to me. They were having trouble from the start. Oh well.

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