I Lost It

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After that whole entire thing..... My day came to an end and soon later it would be a new day. The whole rest of the morning I kept on thinking about what was gonna happen this day because he was going to come over again. Again like every other day I left the house and came back as soon as my mom went home. I hear my phone ring and when i picked up my phone I saw the name "bby boi". That name might sound weird to you and don't worry it sounds weird to me too now, but at that time, it sounded adorable. So I gave him the password to enter my house and out of nowhere he scares me. He goes up to my room and then goes "BOO!" and pops out from the hallway into my room. I jumped up and screamed, but not too loud. "Why did you scare me ughhh" I yelled in a whiny voice while hugging him. "Im sorry im sorry haha"he laughed back. Soon after, we started watching The Nightmare Before Christmas because he knows that the movie is my favorite. Soon later he puts me on top of him on his lap. And I just sat there looking like a baby. No, not even kidding, I felt like a five year old. He told me that I looked adorable and I totally agreed with him. When he put me on top of him he starts hugging me and digging his face into my neck and collarbone. I hugged him nice and tight that way he felt loved and that way he felt important in this relationship. I love to display my love towards someone by showing affection with physical touch such as hugs and kisses. My face then he grabbed and started making out with me. Our lips racticall already knew each other. They already knew what they liked and didnt like. They knew the right spots to hit and what sport to avoid. We would make out for a good few minutes and he suddenly whispered in my ear with his deep voice"I love Cherry soda. I wonder what else you taste like." When he said that I turned bright red and whispered back "mhh Dare to try?" and after I said that, since I was sitting on top of him, i felt him get excited down there. I could feel him grin while we were kissing. The atmosphere got hotter than before. So he flipped me over and he ended up being on top of me but on the side. He then proceeded to take off my pants while kissing me all over. As soon as they were off I think we all knew what he did. *No he did not put his face near there* Instead he inserted two fingers and started going soft and slow. Again I was new to this type of stuff so he knew to take it easy on me. Then he starts to go faster and moans start to escape my mouth. He liked the fact that I was moaning in his mouth since we were still making out with each other. My moaning wasn't too loud or too quiet, it was at the right dynamic. The dynamic that he liked. He started going even faster and the moans started to get louder and louder. Then I felt something wet down there. And I think we all know what happened to me. Let's just say that I reached my point. As soon as he felt that, he pulled out the fingers and tasted it and proceeded to kiss me so that I could have a taste. He soon whispered in my ear "You taste amazing baby girl. Do you want to do it?" SInce we were already this far, I decided to say yes. He reaches out to my night stand where he left his wallet on, He opens it and pulls out a condom. When he pulled it out I started telling him "DANGG U CAME PREPARED!" and we started dying of laughter. He slips that thing on and tells me calmly "Just look into my eyes and if you don't want to do it just tell me" I told him ok and smiled at him. Then he put it inside and since it was my first time it hurt. He could tell that I was in a bit of pain and he did his best to help me. He grabbed my hands while he was going in and tried to comfort me while it was happening. Then I felt the whole thing inside and I started to tear up because of the pain. He kissed me and asked if I was ok and I told him that yes I was ok. He soon started to go a bit faster and it started to feel good rather than painful. This was all new to me but for some reason it felt like all of a sudden I got this "dirty" side of me coming out. After a few minutes of him being on top of me I pushed him off and put him on the bottom. We all know what happened later on. Well anyways after we were done with you know what, we took one of my blankets and went to sleep. After we finished the nap we had to throw away the condom. I have very strict parents and if they found out that their daughter had sex at 15, they would flipp out. So I was having a hard time seeing what we should do with it. We ended up throwing it near a tree by my house. He had to leave earlier than I expected because he had to go to work somewhere. So after we threw it at the tree he left. And then I was all alone on my bed thinking about what had just happened. Was Alex really not a virgin anymore? Did she really do it with the guy of her dreams? Was it good enough? Did it feel good for him? Was he enjoying it? What if he didnt like it? Is he going to tell his friends that I was bad? All of these things were eating up my mind but I decided to block them all out by listening to some music. I had to of course tell my friends since he told his friends of what happened so I texted the group chat and said "guysss. I'm sorry to tell you guys but I'm not holy..." Faith responded "What do you mean?" and I said "I'm not a.... Virgin...". Ariel went on and started spamming the chat by saying things like "GIRLLL WHAT" "NO NO NO NO HOW, WHAT, WHY, AGHHHHH" meanwhile Faith said "OOOOP GIRLLL TELL US". And of course i told them how it happened and they were speechless. To be honest, I was speechless.

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