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I tried my best to look happy when in reality, I was dying on the inside. I got no sleep because I was busy crying. But thank God that I have a best friend haha I'm talking about Ariel who gave me chocolate pretzels and almost 8 fruit roll ups that day after the whole break up thing happened. I love her so much! All of my friends tried to cheer me up. For example Harper would talk about all of the red flags that there was from the beginnings and how he was legit not the right one, E.J. would ask me if he needed me for him to beat him which which i in fact needed him to do that but I didnt want to get them both in trouble, Adam would make me die of laughter with his hilarious personality, Ariel was there not to only help my tummy but my heart in general, and Faith was there just loving me and continuing to give me support throughout this tough time for me. But something began happening with his friends.
Suddenly his friends didnt want to be associated with me anymore. I was sort of a little sad but then I had to brush it off. I felt as if they were only trying to be nice to me back then because I was dating their best friend. But there were some that still cared about me. For example, one of his friends, Noah, began to talk to me from time to time and he began to say hi to me in the hallways while we saw each other. It was nice knowing that at ;east one of them was still friendly to me. Well all of them were but I felt that Noah was the only one that displayed that kindness. But Michael. Something interesting happened between me and Michael that I didnt share with anyone at that time.
So Michael soon found out about J.B and Sarah and he soon began to try to get close to me. He tried his best to be very very close to me but at that moment I just couldn't move on. I was still so attached to J.B. to the point where I would cry about him from time to time and miss him. I would even read our old text messages in order to give me comfort about the old days that were now left behind us all. Michael gave me a few hints that he liked me. He would often ask for hugs everyday and out of nowhere start texting me. And he would often give me other signs that I will not talk about. But ever since I started ditching him and leaving him hanging he started to act a little bit rude towards me. For example he started to unfollow me or unfriend me on all social media platforms. Not that I cared but I still found it weird, but funny at the same time. But anyways, that's basically what went down with everyone at the moment. Friendships were lost but some friendships grew stronger.

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