One Month

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This was the day that I was looking forward to during this whole relationship. Possibly even my whole entire life. It was the day of our one month anniversary. I woke up early in the morning. Even though I looked horrible I decided to try and look cute and send him some good morning pictures of me and start working on a paragraph. Through messaging I said
"Good morning child and happy one month!! I hope that during these past few 30 days you have felt loved and appreciated. You mean so much to me. You are the source of my happiness. I have kept going because you have given me unloving support and love. No one has loved me the way that you show your love to me. I feel like this is the first time where I truly believe that it will all workout in the end. Now I truly believe in happy endings. I cannot wait to possibly get married and have children with someone. Oops I'm getting too ahead. Well anyways happy one month and I love you very much. See you later :)"
Since he woke up a little late, he did not respond until like almost an hour later and said
"Good morning bby and happy one month. Words cannot describe how happy I have been feeling for the past few days. Nothing can keep us apart. I have never believed in soulmates but I feel that I have found my soulmate. No one has made me feel that way that you have made me feel during the past month. I love you and will stick with you forever and ever until the day we die."
When I was reading, my heart went up to heaven. It was so magical. I cannot explain the feeling. It was as if I felt the assurance that I found the one and only soulmate.
The date together went well. It was a picnic at a park and we later went to my cousins pool because she let me use it for the date. When we were at the picnic, J.B gave me a necklace that had our initials on it. When he put it on me the only thing he said was "this necklace is just one small example on how much I love you and how much I care about you baby." And I could tell that he was smiling and he saw that I was grinning and almost crying of excitement. It was an amazing feeling when he put that necklace on me. Nothing and no one could make me take it off. It was silver and it was a butterfly. One one side of the wing it has my initials and on the other it had his initials and in the middle of the body it had the day where we started dating. Free laying on the blanket and watching the sky we decided that it was time to go to the pool. At the pool I have my bathing suit that was a light green and the borders were black. Meanwhile J.B had only some swimming trunks meaning that I could see his tone upper body which was insanely attractive. And a bonus is that he got his hair wet and water droplets were all over his body. It made feel the need to be close to him. Do during te whole time I was mostly in his arms or by his side. Even though we had clothes on well bathing suits on I could still feel him getting a bit excite down there. I tried to not acknowledge it but it was so obvious haha. Well anyways that's how the date went on our one month. There are so many other details but I feel that you should just get a little touch and leave the rest to your imagination.

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