We Got Caught

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So the next morning my family decided to go ima small little trip and visit a lake. And of course I had to tag along. One our way there I kept in contact with Jason because he wanted to hangout after I came back. Oh yeah we left at like 10:00 in the morning and my parents wanted to come back home at like 4:00 in the afternoon because they wanted to do some other things around the house and get things that we needed for mom's garden. The day was very fun and I felt like my family started to gain trust in me and started to forget that Jason was part of my life. Again they didn't hate him at all, they just didn't like the fact that I was hiding him from them. But anyways back to the lake. It was very relaxing. There weren't that many people which I was ok with since I'm more of a quiet person. While I walked around I kept on thinking "how much longer am I going to keep our relationship a secret" and the only thing on my mind was that they will have to soon find out the truth about us. I didn't keep those thoughts in for too long because I didn't want it to ruin my good and happy mood with my family. It was very hot so we came home earlier. It was almost 3:30 when we got back home. We came home and my parents dropped me and my little siblings off at the house. When I saw the car drive off I immediately contacted Jason and told him to come over. He was near the house which made it even better because he could now spend some more time with me before my parents would come back. So I left the kids upstairs watching some TV in my room and went outside in the backyard to meet up with Jason. Jason had Michael with him. I wasn't against it. I actually found it pretty nice that he was over too. Well the next thing I see is that that car drives up into my driveway. Not just any car, but my parents car. After I saw that I told them "RUN and do not let them catch you or talk to you guys!" Jason or course wanted a kiss which delayed us leaving at that moment. I went in through the back door and sprinted my way up to the kitchen to act as if I was doing the dishes. The minutes I start scrubbing like three dishes my parents walk in. They walked in very calmly so I thought to myself "thank god! They probably didn't see them" they went up to me and turned off my phone and asked "what were you doing?" And I was like "oh.... I was here with the kids... doing.. doing di-dishes. Wa-wa-why?" "Don't lie to us WHAT WERE YOU DOING?" And the minute they said that to me I had to confess but before I could say anything my father in a very assertive voice exclaimed "I know that you were with the boy with red hair and his friend. I saw them run out. WHAT WERE THEY DOING IN HERE?!" And I told them, "I'm sorry I'm very sorry they wanted to come over and I wanted to hang out with them a bit and and and and we were just outside... nothing nothing hap-happened." I was sobbing at that point and stuttering to the point where I feared for my life. Not only mine but for the guys too. My parents took my phone and told me that I will never have to see him again because they will be changing the school that I am going to. When I heard those words I exclaimed while trying to gain my voice "NO NO YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO ME! PLEASE I BEG FOR YOU, TAKE AWAY MY PHONE, MY TV, ANYTHING YOU WANT BUT PLEASE LET ME STAY IN MY SCHOOL!" And I was practically on my knees and they still didn't let me change their minds. (But Don't worry I never ended up changing schools). My parents were so furious to the point where they even told me to be quiet and to shut my mouth. I heard that and went to my room and start crying. My mom barged in and said "come down it's time to eat." I told her softly and calmly "I'm not hungry" she responded with a. Very rude tone of voice "I don't care you will eat right now with us" and I started crying again because I am legit having panic and anxiety attacks right now. So they start discussing about me and I overhear them about the different plans or ideas that they have for me. When I heard that they were going to keep me inside the house and start homeschooling I said to myself "Alex, this is the last straw. You have to leave." It passed about a few hours and it was 8:00 pm. It was spring so it was still a little dark at early times. And I said "it's time. It's now or never" I put on my jacket since it was a bit chilly still, my keys, my burner/secret phone, some chapstick, charger for the phone, and my earbuds. Then while I saw that they were in their room I read downstairs to the basement and left through the back door. While opening the back door my heart started pounding and I got sweaty. My hands were shaking while I was turning the knob in fear of getting caught right then and there. The minute I got out of that house I sprinted. I ran and I ran. I ended up at a park that is a few miles down my house. There were no lights in that park so I knew I was safe. I called Jason on the phone and this is how it went "hey bubba" "hey baby girl what happened?" "I ran away" "what? why? Where are you? Tell me right now?" "I'll explain when you come. Meet me at the park that they just built near Drew Lane" "oh ok my love. Do not move, I will be right there in a few minutes". Only a few minutes and I see his shadow. When I saw it I ran towards it and started balling my eyes out. I was all red from crying, my voice was hoarse from yelling and crying, and I just looked plain horrible. And suddenly he grabs me by the face and pulls it close to his. He pulls it close and starts kissing me. It was the only thing keeping me alive at that moment. I wanted to end it all right there because of the pain of probably not being able to see him ever again. I have never felt so safe and secure ever in my life. I felt like I was floating and that nothing could EVER hurt me. He pulled away and said "it's ok baby. I'm here and it's going to be ok. Just tell me everything and I can take you to my house." So I told him everything while we were on the swings and I could tell that he was just in shock about everything. So then he decided to take me home since it was getting a bit more cold outside. While we were walking I asked if he could give me his sweatshirt so that way it didn't look like me just in case someone was out there looking for me. Then we ended up at his place and I stayed there for the night. It was one of the worst but best nights of my life. I felt him right next to me watching over me while I was sleeping. Nothing could ever hurt me or touch me without them going through him. When the morning came I told him that I had to get going and make my way to my cousin's house. And he let me go and gave me some lunch to take just in case I got hungry. A few blocks down his house I find myself with one of my aunts, who then comes up to me and says "ALEX ALEX STAY THERE!" And I stay still and she gets out of the car and gives me a huge hug. The moment I see her, my eyes start to water up. She tells me "it's ok honey you are safe now. But you have to go back to your parents" the minute I Hear that I start crying even more. I was scared of the consequences that were going to reach me. But the minute I got home they just pulled up at the house. When they get out of the car I see their eye bags and everyone in their Pjs. I was in shock because no one said anything to me. Only my little sibling said "Lex lex lex we missed you so much". My parents just looked at me with very calm faces. They didn't question anything at the moment. And a few hours passed by, it was like 2:00 pm by now and my father walked in my room asking in a very calm tone of voice "why did you do it?" And I told him "I'm sorry it was either that or suicide." The minute he heard that, he started crying. It was crazy to think that this was all happening because of my childish attitude of wanting to keep my boyfriend a secret. "Why Alex? Why suicide? Why run away? We looked all night for you and Hid heard our prayers about keeping you safe? The last thing we wanted to hear was that you were found dead. Thank god for keeping you safe." And he hugged me tightly. I hugged him back and the only thing I could say was "I'm sorry papi. Lo siento mucho. Te amo mucho y nunca lo vuelvo a ser lo prometo" (I said I'm sorry. I love you a lot and I promise to never do it again) after that he smiled and said that he loved me.

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