Skip Or Go?

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It was early in the morning and I was on my way to school. Well that's what my mom thought. So I didnt really go to school if you couldn't tell. I got dressed and I also got my backpack. And I was on my way to "school" when in reality inside my backpack I had some food, some gum, my phone charger, my keys, some chapstick and some extra clothes cuz you may never know if you will have a wardrobe malfunction. My mom had work that day so just in case I needed to go back to the house, I knew that she would be gone and she would not be home until 6. Instead of going to my bus stop I went to the park near my house and waited for Jason there because it was time for our date. So i waited a few minutes and he came. When I saw him I ran up to him and gave him a big hug. A kiss is what made the morning even better. We decided to stay at the park for a little bit. He pushed me on the swing and it felt really nice spending some time with him alone at the park by ourselves. We would just talk about what's going on in our personal lives and we would constantly tell each other that we love each other. Afterwards we went to his house.
At his house we watched a little bit of TV and we would take some pictures together. Oh did I mention my outfit? Well the outfit of choice today was a pair of cargo pants with a black crop top that was long sleeve. It was pretty chilly which is why I wore long sleeves. Oh and I had some black boots on, a clear belt with chains dangling from the side, and lastly we cannot forget the chain earrings and chain necklaces. My hair was down too. We were cuddling and we ended up taking a 10 minute nap with each other. He was laying on the bed and I was sort of on top of him. My head was laying on his chest and I felt like I was in heaven. His heartbeat would race and then calm down. The only thing that was on my mind at that time was "man how lucky am i?" After that amazing nap and cuddling on the bed we decided to go to the mall. Reminder that this was during school hours. So when I posted that I was going to go to the mall with J.B all of my classmates swiped up on my snapchat post and asked why I skipped school. Well my response was simple, I told them "I wanted to spend time with Jason so I gave up school :)" And now that I realize it, I was dumb to do that because I ended up having to do soo many assignments in one sitting, but it didnt matter to me at the moment because the only thing I wanted to do was be with J.B. He was the source of my happiness. We ended up taking the bus to the mall. He paid for the ticket which made me feel appreciated and loved. It honestly gave me butterflies. I know it's crazy but I honestly felt as if he would be the one that would stay with me for all eternity. So when we got to the mall the first place where we stopped was Target. Yes, very basic but, come on, target is so much fun! We ended up running all over the place and stealing some snacks by putting them in my little backpack. A bunch of stuff happened during those few hours. We ate and we also bought some clothes. He got me this black and white mini dress that matched my style so well. It was an amazing day. By the time that we got back home which was like 4:00 or 3:00 I honestly have no idea, it was raining. So since it was raining he gave me his sweatshirt to use as a cover of the rain. So we got off at my house and then he went back to his home by walking in the rain. I missed him so much after an exchange of kisses and hugs. I didnt want to let him go and I could tell that he didnt want to leave me. All of a sudden while we were hugging he whispered in my ear "When we are older, move in with me, let's finish school, get married, and have kids." When he said that I turned BRIGHT red. I was like OH MY GOD HE IS THE ONE!! In response I said "Of course! I would be honored to be named Alex Armani instead of Alex Verlice." When he heard those words come out of my mouth he hugged me tighter but then he had to let go because it was his time to leave.  So a few hours later my parents would arrive at the house. They noticed that I smelled a bit funky, like a boy cologne or something of that sort. They started to ask who I was with and I simply said my cousin because he liked to visit once in a while. They believed me but then they saw the dress laying on my bed. They asked who gave it to me. And I simply said that my cousin gave it to me because his sister didn't want it. They believed that lie too. But anyways yeah that would be the first day that I would ever skip school because of someone. I was a little concerned for me and what I am putting first in my life but again, I would not let my brain play games with me.

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