Chapter 2

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Evelyn's POV:

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Evelyn's POV:

After following Miss O'conner into block c and finding room 16, we now come to find that there are about 20 other students waiting outside for the class to begin. "Hello students, I am Miss O'conner and I will be your catering teacher throughout your time here." She opens the door to the classroom while giving everyone a polite smile "Please, come in and find a seat."

As I am last to enter the class, I realise that the only seat available is in between a redhead and a brown haired girl. Meh, beggars can't be choosers, not that I'm complaining about being sandwiched inbetween two beautiful girls anyways.

Taking the seat between the two, the one on my right introduces herself first "Hi! I'm Mia, what are your names?" Taking a look at the girl I realise that she is about the same height as me, with dark brown eyes and hair that looks almost black in the current lighting but I can tell it's a deep shade of silky brown. "Nice to meet you both, I'm Evelyn. You can call me Eve if you'd like though."

I turn to the girl on my left as me and Mia wait for her to introduce herself. She looks taller and slightly older than the two of us, she's maybe around 5'6/7 ish, her hair is curled into loose waves as it cascades down to her mid back. She gazes at us both cautiously before giving us a light smile "I'm Skye, it's nice to meet you both." I'm feeling good about these two, maybe we could become a pretty close knit trio. Only time will tell.

Once briefly introducing ourselves to one another we focus our attention towards the front of the class where miss O'conner currently stands with a warm smile on her beautiful face. "Right, i know this is College but I think a small ice breaker would benefit this class, I want you all to introduce yourself and a fact about yourself." This reminds me of the 'ice breaker' challenges that I was made to do as apart of an NCS experience. (Organisation set up in UK for people who have finished upper school to attend and gain experience).

She pauses to look at the class's reaction, which honestly wasn't all that bad other than a prolonged groan a boy to the far left of the room made. Ignoring the boy's antics and keeping that sweet smile on her face "I will start us off then. My name is Raven O'conner, I have been teaching for 3 years and I am 26 years old." Damn, the name Raven just hits a certain spot in me. Only an 8 year age gap too, not bad.

As the student closest to Skye sits down, she stands up and introduces herself. "Hi, I'm Skye. I'm 19. I'm into F1 racing and sports cars." This gains a few eyebrow raises, I actually think that's pretty cool. Skye sits down which means it's now my turn. "Uh, hey. I'm Evelyn, 18, and I have about the same aerobic endurance as a baby potato." This earns a few snickers from the class, as they can already tell that i'm going to be quite the class clown.

Finally, it's gets to Mia who is the last person in the class to go. "Hi! I'm Mia, 17 years old. I like swimming, Oh! I also can't wait to get to know you all!" Okay, I've got to admit Mia's innocence is quite cute. We need to protect this little bean at all costs.

"Great! Now that everyone has introduced themselves let me just go over the basics for my lessons. If you need to make a call or text someone, please let me know so I can allow you to step out and do so, you may eat food if we are doing a theory lesson and you ask me beforehand, any drinks are allowed here," She pauses briefly before scanning the room with her eyes "which does not include alcohol." This obviously gained a few light laughs from the students. "It's fairly simple, the respect you give me, is the same respect I will give back."

After explaining her 'rules' to the class Miss O'conner goes on to explain the content we will be learning. "So, to start our course we will just be going over the basics, making sure everyone knows how to properly clean equipment and stations, how to actually prepare and cook the food and the culinary skill level each individual is currently at. Once I've gotten a good idea of all of this we will begin to work on any improvements needed and hopefully taking on more technically advanced dishes."

She stops to gauge our reactions, seeming pleased at the nods she is receiving. "Our practical days will be every Monday, if you can't make it on a particular day or don't have the required ingredients, please let me know by email."

A//N Yeahh, it's a slow start but hopefully it will be worth it in the end. (:

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