Chapter 22

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A//N - TW // Sexual assault, please skip if uncomfortable!

A//N - TW // Sexual assault, please skip if uncomfortable!

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Evelyn's POV:

I've been feeling numb for the past week. I barely have enough energy to do anything, and my lack of motivation makes me feel like complete shit. I miss her so much. Her not even glancing in my direction or giving me the coldest look when I send a smile her way just breaks my heart. I need to talk to her and clear the air at some point, and I need to be able to talk to her as a friend.

It hurts too much to act like strangers; I thought the space would be beneficial, but I couldn't be regretting my decision any more right now. Raven has grown to be such an important part of my life in such a short period of time, and even if I wanted to, I couldn't remove her from it because she is everything and more to me.

It's Friday evening, and Mia and Skye are both in my room looking through my clothes for an outfit to wear to a party one of our classmates is throwing. Jake's 18th birthday is today, so he decided to throw a house party and invite everyone in our catering class.

When Mia shook me, I snapped out of my trance "Hello, Eve! Come on, you're in desperate need of this." Skye agreed with a hum "Yes, the three of us can go and hopefully have a good time. Let's just use this night to forget about everything and have fun, okay?" Mia and I both nodded in response to her words. Although they stung a little, I knew I had to try to move on and return to my usual witty self.

I told Skye and Mia about everything that happened that evening, and they both comforted me and said they understood my situation. I eventually told them about the threats, and they wanted me to talk to someone, but that would mean revealing my and Raven's secrets, which I couldn't do. Skye threw a dress at me with a satisfied smile on her face, and Mia squealed at the choice "We've got a winner. Eve, put this on."

I smiled at them both and decided that moping about would get me nowhere, so I might as well make the most of tonight and enjoy myself with them both. I took the dress and my makeup bag and went to my bathroom. "I'm going to take a quick shower and then change. We can leave after that." They'd both already showered before I arrived, so they would be done sooner than me.

I stepped out of the shower with renewed vigour and put on my silky black gown before applying mascara, eyeliner, and blush. I don't like wearing a lot of makeup because it causes me to break out quite easily. I finished applying my makeup and cleaned up the bathroom before returning to my bedroom and admiring how lovely my two best friends look.

Mia burst out laughing when she saw me "Oh my days! Eve, you look stunning." Skye chuckled before inspecting us all. "Damn, we all look hot!" she exclaimed. "Well then, let us hot ladies enjoy our night together," I said, raising an eyebrow at their antics and laughing slightly smirking. They both smiled at my obvious good mood, and we all agreed to take a cab to Jake's, not knowing what state we'd be in when we needed to leave.

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