Chapter 23

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Evelyn's POV:

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Evelyn's POV:

I jerked awake, sweating as I remembered the events of the previous evening. When I felt a pair of arms securely wrapped around my waist, I panicked until I heard the softest voice shushing me. When I looked up, I felt a lot calmer and safer because I saw Raven looking lovingly into my eyes.

She smiled comfortingly at me and rubbed my back up and down, causing me to snuggle even more into her. I rested my head in the crook between her neck and shoulder and fisted the front of her shirt. I heard a soft laugh followed by the words "you're so fucking adorable." Raven's treatment of me right now made me feel vulnerable yet cared for.

Raven sighed deeply before pausing her rubbing motions on my back for a moment. "Eve, I think we need to talk now." I squeezed my eyes shut and tensed slightly before releasing a shaky breath "o-okay, Rave," Raven froze before staring down at me with a goofy grin on her face, which immediately lifted the corner of my own lips slightly "Rave?" "Hm, I like it." she said with a small grin.

I wriggled out of Raven's grip, which I could tell she didn't like by the frown on her face, but she didn't say anything. I sat cross-legged, staring down at her, nervously fidgeting with my hands in my lap. "I guess I should start at the beginning, huh?" Raven remained silent while grabbing my hands and smiling encouragingly at me. "Remember how I said what we had was just fun? Yeah, that was a lie." Raven's smile faltered slightly, but she allowed me to continue which I was grateful for.

"I started getting strange messages about how beautiful I was and that I should be theirs a week before I told you that, and it progressed to things like I could treat you better than she ever could," Raven's hands squeezed mine and she tensed slightly but remained silent.

"I panicked when I received the most recent message, which said, "I wonder what would happen if the college found out about one of their most prized teachers fucking her student," because I didn't want you to get fired or worse, so I figured pushing you away would be the best option."

Raven had remained silent and had a blank expression on her face when she asked, "I assume there is more, which led to you being here last night?" I tried to pull my hands back from her once she said that, but she just held them firmly on her own. "Hey, Eve, don't worry, I'm not mad." Before she spoke again, she sighed slightly, and I looked up at her. "I'm disappointed but not angry that you didn't tell me about it; I can tell you were just trying to protect me."

I gave Raven a genuine smile as she spoke to me; I was relieved that she wasn't resentful of me for pushing her away; I know I would be if I were in her shoes. Raven, on the other hand, is patient and understanding, which is one of her best qualities. She sat up in the same position as me, holding one of my cheeks in her palm and lightly stroking my face with her thumb. I inadvertently nuzzled my face deeper into her hand, and she grinned down at me for it.

I took a deep breath before proceeding. "Last night, Mia and Skye persuaded me to go to Jake's 18th birthday party with them. "After dancing with them for a while, I went to the bathroom." I paused briefly, "On my way back, someone grabbed me and pinned me against the wall." Raven let out a growl from the back of her throat before placing her other hand on my other cheek and kissing my forehead. I was now slightly trembling.

"I tried to push him away, but he pinned my arms above my head and began kissing me; when I didn't kiss back, he became irritated and began licking and sucking on my neck, leaving dark hickeys. When I was trembling, and refused to reciprocate the feelings, he called me a whore before leaving. I came here right away because I knew it was the safest place for me to be."

At the end of my confession, I had tears in my eyes and was still slightly shaken, but being in Raven's embrace relaxed me slightly and made me feel comfortable telling her what had happened. I sniffled before returning my gaze to Raven's face, and what I saw scared me a little. Her entire race was beet red, and if steam could come out of her ears, I'm sure it would, she was clearly enraged.

She took a deep breath before asking, with clenched teeth, "Who is he, Evelyn?" The use of my full name made me realise how serious she was being, and I couldn't help but feel slightly aroused at the sight, definitely not the time, Eve. I shook my head clear of my thoughts and spoke clearly, "it was Ivan, the one in ou-" that same growling type of noise left the back of her throat before she spoke in the darkest tone I have ever heard anyone speak in, "I know damn well who he is."

I couldn't help but think there was something Raven wasn't telling me about him, but I didn't want to know right now; I wanted my mind to be far away from thinking about him ever again. Raven suddenly pulled me into her lap so I was straddling her. She had one hand placed on my lower back, while the other was holding the back of my neck. Her gaze bore deep into my eyes and I couldn't help but shiver slightly because of it.

"I promise you, Eve, he will not get away with this. I'll contact Eliza, and we will make him pay. No one will ever do something like this to you again, and I will not allow it to happen. I love you too much to let somethin-," My breathing had stopped momentarily as Raven paused her confession; she looked at me with concern in her eyes, while I looked at her with shock written all over my face. I blinked a few times before questioning, "I thought you said you wouldn't be able to love me?"

"Eve, I only said that because you hurt me and I could tell you were pushing me away," she paused before looking at me and speaking with finality in her tone, "I love you, okay? I know it hasn't been long, but I knew the moment I saw you looking all cute and lost in front of the college that I wanted to make you mine."

I gulped at her confession before regaining my composure and looking her in the eyes, "I-I love you too, Rave." Her face lit up with the biggest smile I'd ever seen, and she let out an uncharacteristic squeal before pulling me closer into her, "you do?" I giggled slightly before pecking her luscious lips, "So much, Raven."

A//N Got to love the communication.

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