Chapter 14

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Evelyn POV:

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Evelyn POV:

It's now Friday, and this week has actually been quite fun and has flown by. On Tuesday, we assessed the dishes that we had prepared, both our own and those of others, and made suggestions for changes or adjustments that could be done to improve the overall result of the dish.

On Wednesday, we went to a five-star restaurant and sampled some of the most popular dishes among those who dined there. It was an incredible experience to be able to taste the various flavours and watch the chefs prepare the food. Skye, Mia, and I all agreed that we wanted to return to the restaurant at some point in the future.

The trip had gotten slightly awkward at one point when Jake decided to keep hitting on Skye, you could tell Skye wasn't interested in the least and that definitely caught Miss O'conners attention, I smirked knowing she'd probably tell Eliza. I believe Eliza has feelings for Skye, but you never know with her. I can't imagine how she'd react if she found out someone was hitting on Skye, especially since they had been exchanging glances and a words for weeks even before everyone else's meeting.

When we were talking about birthdays in class yesterday, we discovered that Mia's birthday was actually this Saturday, and she had no plans to celebrate. My and Skye's jaws could have dropped to the floor after hearing her say that, considering it was her 18th birthday! We are not going to let her stay at home and do nothing to celebrate her birthday.

We considered inviting everyone who attended games night to a local nightclub for the evening because everyone would have their IDs and we would be in a large group, as they say, safety in numbers and all. Skye and I had planned to get Mia a gift and then surprise her with the gathering on Saturday evening.

// Small time skip

Me and Skye are currently walking around the busy town centre looking for suitable gifts for Mia's 18th birthday; we both knew we had to get her something or else we would feel bad; we have become such a close-knit trio that not getting her something would make us both feel terrible.

We had gone to a few jewellery stores and eventually found ourselves in Pandora's where we got her a couple of items. I had found her a silver chain which had a locket on it with her birthstone on the front that could be opened up and have a photo stored on either side, and Skye had gotten a Pandora chain and an 18th birthday charm with Mia's birthstone to go on it.

We had gone to a few clothes stores and picked her up some funny items, such as a weird pair of socks that had pictures of small cheese blocks all over them and a matching pillow.

After finding her gifts we went and got a few party accessories for Saturday night, we had found an 'it's my 18th birthday' banner and a large badge with an 18 on it for her to wear, of course she doesn't have a choice in wearing the big badge. It's our job to embarrass her, I mean what kind of friends would we be if we didn't.

Me and Skye decided that we would eat quickly and then go home to get everything wrapped up and ready for tomorrow. We had gone into a restaurant called Spoons and taken a seat towards the back. Skye sighed deeply, making me look at her with concern. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, it's just that we invited Raven and Eliza, right?" she chuckled bitterly.

I nodded at the question, slightly confused. "What if either of us does something if we become too drunk? I don't want to scare Eliza away because I tried to dry hump her leg after one too many shots of vodka. " I had to stifle the laugh that wanted to escape before looking at her with a serious expression. "Skye, we will be fine."

I placed my hand on her shoulder because she seemed to be genuinely worried about this. "We will keep an eye on each other throughout the night and make sure nothing gets too out of hand, okay?" She gave me a smile in response and nodded her head "yeah that's sounds good, thank you Eve." I stared at her for a while before speaking "you know, I really am grateful that I met you and Mia. You've become my best friends and I don't think I want to lose contact with you both when we finish college, it just wouldn't feel right, you know?"

When Skye looked up from the table and into my eyes, I paused as I could see she was holding back tears. "You don't know what that means to me, Eve." Thank you so much for giving me a chance and including me in things you do with Mia."

I moved into the seat beside her and brought her into a hug. We spent about a minute just hugging each other. I could tell there was more to Skye's story as the words she just spoke were so heartfelt and had pain behind them. I don't know how Skye's friends treated her in the past, but I am going to be different. She and Mia deserve to be treated the best, and that's exactly how I'm going to treat them.

After our moment, we went into detail on how tomorrow would go. We had already told Mia that we would be meeting her in the morning to give her the presents and then in the evening she would be going for a meal with her parents.

What she didn't know was that her parents had agreed to her coming to the club with us after dinner. It took a lot of convincing for that to work. I literally had to say that Isla would be there as our supervisor and call them in case anything bad were to happen. Mia's dad had wanted us to get a personal body guard for Mia's protection, but me and Skye obviously convinced him that it certainly wasn't necessary. She is in safe hands.

A//N Just a filler before the good chapters come. (;

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