Chapter 15

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Evelyn POV:

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Evelyn POV:

Today is a good day! I'm so excited to give Mia her presents, and just picturing her face light up with joy drives us all to make sure everything goes smoothly. Isla and André, or Dré as he preferred to be called, had worked together to create Mia a triple-layered chocolate fudge cake with a white icing 18th birthday piping on the front.

Eliza and Raven had arranged a table for us at the club, and they'd also brought Mia, a male stripper, but I'm not sure how that'll go down; she'd definitely be a blushing mess by the end. Of course, if Mia is uncomfortable, we can always tell them to leave. Overall, I believe we have everything in place and ready to go for tonight.

Skye was supposed to come to my apartment, and then we'd both go to Mia's and give her all her gifts and wish her a happy birthday. After that, she'd have dinner with her parents, and they'd drop her off back at mine, where everyone was getting ready to go out to the club. Skye had found Mia a dress and was bringing it to leave here to give it to Mia later to change into.

It was now 9 a.m., and I knew Skye would be here in about 10 minutes. Skye had a small blue Corsa that her nan had passed down to her, and she used it to drive almost everywhere. It's funny because she is the only one of the three of us who has a car and can drive, but she always seems to be the latest. I opened our conversation to wish Mia a happy birthday.

- Troubled Trio -

Eve - HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY MIA! I hope you have a good one, mate!

Skye - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! More life and more blessings to you, Mia.

Mia - Thank you both so much. I have a feeling today is going to be good, I can't wait to see you both in a bit! (:

After closing the chat, I double-checked that I had everything I needed before Skye arrived, placed the gift bag in which I had placed Mia's gifts by the door, and quickly wrote out her card before placing it in the envelope and into the gift bag. I knew Isla would be sleeping right now because she and Dré were both here, and they both seemed tired last night after perfecting Mia's cake and probably from something else later in the evening.

Skye had texted me to let me know she was downstairs, so I quickly wrote a note to Isla saying I was leaving and that we would return later. Isla and Dré had agreed to decorate the apartment slightly and set up the cake so that when Mia arrived, we could turn off the lights and light the sparklers on the cake while singing happy birthday to her. I grabbed Mia's gift bag and dashed down to Skye's car, where we exchanged wide grins as I climbed into the car and drove to Mia's house.

Mia's house was absolutely stunning, and it looked like a mansion to me and Skye! It was enormous and absolutely breathtaking. The house was symmetrical in every way, and the pebbled path that led up to and around it gave it a luxurious appearance. The house appeared to have at least 20 rooms. Skye was the first to break free from her hypnotic trance, stepping forward and knocking on the door.

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