Chapter 9

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As my second week of college came to a close, I found myself walking the familiar route from my apartment to the bar at 8:56pm. Tonight's shift will be a 9pm until closing time, which is 3am. The promise of seeing everyone and returning to the bar excites me. A little distraction from college and a certain brown haired beauty who teaches it would be quite beneficial.

After briefly pausing outside the bar's entrance and inhaling a deep breath, I entered and almost immediately relaxed as I sensed the bar's vibe, the low beat of the music, and the chatter accompanied by occasional loud laughs.

I walked past a few tables with men who had clearly come after work and decided on a pint to help them relax this evening. A few people in the bar recognised me and whooped to acknowledge my presence.

I walked up to the bar and was greeted by a grinning Dan and Stacy, whom I must admit I had missed a lot; going from seeing them almost every evening to not seeing them at all was a pretty drastic change. "Good to see you again, Evelyn." "It's good to be back for a night, I missed you guys," I said with a wide grin.

At the end of my sentence, I was slightly pouting when I heard Stacy let out a soft coo while Dan smirked, "of course, who wouldn't miss this?" In an attempt to be 'sexy,' he flexed his arms and motioned to his body, his wife letting out a rather loud snort. "Absolutely not, Daniel," I scoffed. "A man can only try to please," he said, laughing. I walked around the bar and hugged the both of them before stepping back with a smile on my face and observing tonight's scene.

Dan was in his early 30s and treated me like his little sister, which I act irritated by but secretly love because he's such a big softie to me and Isla but to anyone else he is one intimidating man. He is about 6'1 tall, with short ash brown hair and hazel eyes.

Stacy is a blonde woman in her late twenties with shoulder length hair, light green eyes, stands about 5'5 and has a petite frame. She may appear to be a softie, but this little chihuahua can bite, I know from personal experience.

When me and Isla had entered the bar and asked if there were any jobs available, a man had come out and told us it was convenient we asked since he and his wife Stacy had recently taken ownership of the bar and were currently looking for workers. Because I wasn't 18 at the time, I assisted in cleaning the tables, sweeping the floor, unblocking the toilets, handling payment, and basically doing everything other than handling the alcohol.

I was considering telling Dan that if he needed help filling in for any night or day shifts and I was available at the time, I would gladly help him. I could give the extra money to Isla if she needed it, or I could keep it and put it in my savings account.

9 p.m was usually considered a 'rush hour' at the bar because that was when the majority of people came in to have a drink, get laid, or get white girl wasted and dance like there was no tomorrow on the small dance floor we had near the bathrooms.

// Small time skip

As the night progressed, Tracy and I developed a routine that would ensure that customers could order beverages when they were ready and have them prepared in as little as 10 minutes per customer.

I would go around to all of the tables where people were waiting to place their orders and then hand them over to Stacy, who would work with Dan to make them in record time and then hand them over to me so I could take them back.

I smiled as I saw them mixing drinks and laughing along at jokes they'd both made. I would like to have a love like theirs.

The 9pm-11pm rush hour has finally calmed down and cleared out a bit and the amount of people coming Into the bar had reduced to 1 person maybe every 20 minutes or so.

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