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housewarming parties

Hoda was on the phone with her secretary and personal assistant when she heard the doorbell ring.

"Chase, I told you about those files, I want them filed by alphabetical order and date-"

*Ding* *Dong*

"Give me a minute." She huffed as she held the phone by her ear, hurriedly throwing a black scarf onto her head, she made her way towards the door and opened it, not expecting to see the two familiar faces from yesterday. Plus a new one.

Simon, Behz and the stranger that looked a few inches shorter than Ethan, he looked desi, she would guess he had a strong mix of Indian blood in him.

She gave them a smile before she spoke into the phone again.

"Chase, I'm going to have to call you back," She didn't wait for him to reply as she ended the call.

"Can I help you?" She cocked her head to the side.

"Yeah, we're your new neighbours from downstairs, wanted to invite you for the housewarming party we're holding tomorrow," Vik spoke with a smile on his face.

"Cool." She raised her eyebrow at him, they had forgotten to introduce themselves, "I never caught your name?"

"Oh, I'm Vik."



"I did think Behz wasn't an actual name," She smiled at him, her tone underlined with a hint of playfulness. She knew he had caught sight of her on the rooftop yesterday.

"You're the chick I saw on the roof."

She made no comment.

"Oh, yeah, sorry, my girlfriend made some brownies as a gift for the neighbours, here," Vik cleared his throat breaking the silence.

"Thank you," She smiled, "What time is the party?"

"Six-ish tomorrow." Simon shrugged, "Down at apartment 863."

"If I do not manage to turn up, I'll definitely send my regards." She replied, her schedule wouldn't let out till nine at least.

"Don't worry, most of our friends have no time management." Simon chuckled.

She let out a small polite laugh.

"Anyway, you can bring along your friends and siblings, although I don't think it'd be very child-friendly."

"A housewarming with grown men, I wouldn't count on it being child friendly, but I'll bring a friend." She said, "Now gentlemen, thank you for the brownies, but I have to go."

Her phone called for her attention Chase's name lit up on the screen.

"Nice meeting you." The boys bided her goodbye as she closed the door and turned to her phone.

"Yeah?" She sighed hearing Chase ramble about the files.

"Listen, I don't even care at this point, get your ass over here, call Hamza and Donya, we have a tub of brownies to get through."

"What are we going to do with you?"

"Be my friend."

"Oh, how you make me blush." She could practically see Chase roll his eyes.


Hamza was Hoda's younger brother and Donya was her cousin. They were the only family she had. Hoda had lost her parents in a car crash, her parents had just picked up Hoda from secondary school and were on the way to the primary school where Hamza was studying his last year. On the way there, a drunkie had crashed into their car. Hoda had crawled out of the shattered window and as soon as she dragged herself a few feet away, the car erupted in flames, burning away her unconscious parents and all she could do was watch. Now, however, Hamza was in university as she paid for his livings. It was still her nightmare.

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