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cheshire cat

Hoda wrapped herself in a blanket as she fell her eyelids begin to be heavy as the sound of classical music lulled her to the comforting warmth of the darkness.

The next time she woke up was with the noise of her phone blaring for her attention. She grunted to no one but herself as she turned in the massive queen bed, her hands blindly searching for the source of the noise.

A phone call.

"Fuck off Chase." That was the first thing she said.

"It's not Chase." Ethan's voice came through the line, awakening Hoda, the grogginess of the morning disappearing completely.

"Shit, sorry Ethan." She chuckled, apologising.

"Nah, my fault, if it's a bad time I'll call you later," He had just gotten out of the gym and with the adrenaline running through his veins he felt like if he didn't ask her out for the date now, he'd never be able to.

"No, it's fine," She shrugged it off, "But as a question I why are you calling me the crack ass of dawn?"

"you know, our dinner arrangement, I was wondering if you're free tonight?" He decided not to call it a date because she had specifically said she wouldn't go on dates.

"of course." She thought about leaving Chase in charge and after a moment of thought, she decided against the idea. Leaving Chase in charge would only cause chaos. "what time were you thinking?"

"Around 7-ish maybe?" He says, then backtracks, "Or anytime you get off."

"How about eight?"

She knew she couldn't get off until nine, but she'd have to compromise.

"Alright, yeah, I'll be waiting for you at eight, sharp."

"Looking forward to seeing you." She speaks a light smile dancing on her lips as she bid him goodbye.

He makes a flirty remark bidding her goodbye and ending the call.

Hoda who thinks it's far too early to get out of bed yet, throws her head back onto the pillow, thinking to herself about a pet, she had always taken a liking to cats. She might just get a Persian cat, a reminder of her mother.

And with that thought she remains in bed until Chase called her, demanding her presence at the office and reluctantly she moves out of bed.

When she makes her way into the lobby, she's greeted with JJ and an unfamiliar woman, whom she makes the guess that she's, his girlfriend.

"Hey, Sean-ee!" She greets the gentleman behind the lobby desk like she does every morning.

"Morning Miss Noor," He smiles, replacing the frown that had previously settled onto his face, "Sarah loved the cookies."

"I'm glad she did!" Hoda smiles brightly. She had decided to ignore JJ and his girlfriends' presence, not knowing what she'd say anyway, it didn't seem like the right time to make a comment. The couple were sat together, but that seemed only by the force of her, as she rested her head on his shoulder whilst he paid little attention to her as he continued playing games on his phone. He too had acknowledged her presence but decided it wouldn't have been a smart move to say anything with him and his girlfriend already on rocky ropes.

"Is Tom here yet?" Hoda was running out of small talk topics and really didn't want to sit down with JJ and his girlfriend.

"He set off later than usual, Mr Chase's request so unfortunately, I think he's caught up in the morning traffic."

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