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Hoda watched her eyes in the mirror. A spitting image of her mother, same with her lips and nose. 

Her eyebrows, cheekbones and facial structure are a direct inheritance from her father. Same with her tongue. Just like her father, she always seemed to have a smouldering resting face and daring arched brow. She was similar to him in many ways. 

The way she carried herself mirrored him to no extent. 

The way she spoke. Talked. Walked. Or even breathed was like him. 

Same with Hamza and their mother. The two of them were just as alike as Hoda and her father.

A tear fell from her cheek at the thought of her dead parents. The wet salty droplet falling into her mouth knocked her back to reality. 

I have a date to get to.

With that, she began drying her hair and getting dressed. 

Ethan hadn't given her a specific dress code. So she dressed like she often would when going out for dinner. Casual, classy, chic.

Just as she popped in her piece of gum and applied a final layer of lipstick, the doorbell rang, signalling Ethan's arrival. 

Opening the door, she greeted him with a hug as he handed her a single red rose. One that would match her blood-red lipstick.

He was dressed as she would have guessed.

Black jeans and a hoodie. Casual. Accessorised with a Hublot watch and a handmade bracelet. 

Together they walked to his car as he held the door open for her. 

"So, should I even bother asking about where you plan on taking me?" She pondered aloud.


She nodded, "As long as you don't take me somewhere to murder me, we're cool." 

He chuckled at her humour. 

"So I'm guessing you've had your car customised?" She spoke, absentmindedly tracing the leather lining of the seats, they were almost identical to hers. 

"Mhm, I've had it for a few years." He shrugged.

Hoda on the other hand wasn't paying much attention to his words, she was checking him out. His pale skin shone in the evening light, freckles, eyelashes and blue eyes. 

"Have I got something on my face?" He was unnerved under her gaze.

"Quite a few things." She spoke, her tone serious, laced in a hint of amusement, "Freckles, quite a few of them, eyelashes that only seem visible in the sunlight and electrifying blue eyes, but other than that, like the rest of us, you have a mouth and a nose." 

The steady flowing up blood crept a blush onto his face, turning his face into the same colour as his hair. 

"Always this complimentary?" 

"I prefer the term factual." She replied.

Their car ride was short as the rest of the ride was sent in comfortable silence as they occasionally hummed along to the song playing on the radio.

Ethan parked the car and the two of them stepped out. Locking the car, he turned to take her hand, bringing her around the corner where she saw the most beautiful sight laid out upon her eyes. 

He had arranged a picnic on the River Thames bank. 

"Ethan!" She squealed, "You shouldn't have!" 

He smiled, her happiness was contagious.

"I thought you've seen enough fancy building and that, though I'd bring you back to nature." He said helping her over the fence as they sat down onto the blanket he had put down onto the river bank.

Smiling around Ethan seemed as though it was a blessing and a curse, all the same, she couldn't stop.

"Thank you!" 

Together they ate watching nothing but the sun fall behind the buildings.

"Besides the fact that you're a gamer and YouTuber, I know nothing else about you." She began the conversation.

"I mean, Youtube has consumed almost every part of my life." He shrugged nonchalantly, suddenly saying it aloud, which seemed to make the statement sound more depressing than it was.

"How about we play twenty-one questions?" 

"Alright." He nodded taking a sip of the red wine that he had offered her and she had declined.

"How old are you?" 

"25." He answered, "You?"


Over on the other side of town, a loud argument was brewing in apartment 863 as JJ stood with Sharla a meter away as she excessively ran her hand through her hair, emphasizing her point as JJ continued to shout his hands flying around him in frustration.

"I didn't sleep with her! Fucking hell, I barely know who she is!" JJ argued back.

"You can't even lie for shit!" She accused him, "I bet you had the best time fucking her didn't you, a few drinks at the housewarming party and then what? Together in the bedroom? Fun was it?!" 

"You can't stand here and accuse me of cheating because every time I've come to your house the smell of cologne has been suffocating!"

"How about every time that I've found women's underwear under your bed and pillow? How about that, JJ? Hm!?"

Vik and Harry who's apartments were on the other side of JJ's had grown tired of the constant arguing. 

"How about the boxers that you had under your sock drawer?" He snapped. 

"Fuck you!" 

"I wish you never had!" 

And with that she storms out of the apartment, slamming the door shut. JJ sighs, breathing out the air he hadn't thought he was holding. He picked up the brown vape in the coffee table drawer and took it out, he needed to feel her presence. The warm, cinnamon scent.

He found himself standing on the balcony sending occasional looks above and below him hoping to catch sight of the green-eyed girl who had consumed his thoughts. He needed a distraction and like he usually does he picked up his phone searching for the closest open bar. 

A hook-up. 

That's what he needed. 

Written: 08/11/2021

Published: 12/11/2021

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