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loving you

She ran her hand through his hair as he sat between her legs both staring out at the sunrise, the Amalfi Coast of Italy was picture perfect as they sat together, not a word exchanged between them.

He pressed a kiss to her inner thigh as she chuckled.

"You can't be doing that." She mused, her fingertips scratching his scalp in a way she knew it would soothe him and it did.

"Who says?"

"I do, love,"

He sighed, knowing he would never stand a chance with her, the woman who turned his life upside down, if it wasn't for her, he wouldn't be here. He would have still been stuck under management's control.

"I wish this could last forever," He whispered, she smiled at his confession.

"So do I, but Harold, you and I both know that you and I would have never stood a chance."

"I know." He nodded, removing her hand, pressing a kiss to the palm, "But that doesn't stop me loving you."

She sighed in defeat.

Harry and Hoda had been friends since she had come across a management deal with him. Management had forced him into promoting 'VAPE' and Harry had clearly been under distress and uncomfortable during the meeting that they were discussing the deal. Seeing how uncomfortable she was, she called the deal off and had wanted to talk to Harry privately, she had given him the address of a coffee shop that was nearby in London, and they agreed to meet up there to discuss things regarding the promotional deal.

He reluctantly showed up, his face wet with tears as he came to the meeting. She had pushed him into confessing what was wrong and he had admitted that he and his management had been on mad terms since he had spoken about wanting to come out to his fanbase.

She cancelled the deal, seeing his discomfort around the smoke-like substance and over the following months built a friendly bond together, he would often come to Hoda seeking her comfort as she would comfort him solemnly. Eventually, she had grown tired of seeing him so sad and had made a deal with him. If she was to make a music label and management company, he would transfer to her and together they would figure things out.

And they did.

Harry styles was by far the most influential musician of the twenty-first century thanks to Hoda and those that worked under her wing.

He was currently working on his new music video for his new upcoming album in Italy, he had all the creative directing that he had wanted and Hoda was over the moon seeing him in his element with a whole directing and filming team under his command.

"How's filming going?" She asked as he leaned into the warmth of her body, his head resting on her thighs, both watching the sun disappear behind the horizon.

"It's good, it's my first album away from management."

"Nice to hear," She smiled, "So what do you plan on doing?"


"To something or from something?"

"Both." He shrugged, "Louis and I came here a few years ago, before management got involved, he gave me a promise ring."

She cooed at the thought.

She had listened endlessly to Harry talk about his relationship with Louis, only for him to bring the conversation to an end when he thought about the way Louis had left him without warning in their conjoint apartment in New York. Not a call or a text even. He had even changed his number in order to avoid Harry contacting him.
"I reached out to his management a few days ago." She said monotone, "A deal for VAPE."

He shrugged wanting to appear nonchalant about it, but Hoda saw the light flash through his eyes.

"I'm going to the met." He said changing the subject, "Gucci offered to tailor my outfit."

"If you're going, so am I."

She smiled and he grinned. They had been inseparable. Even from the beginning.

"I'm guessing Gucci offered to tailor your outfit too?"

"Mhm," She hummed, nodding as her eyelids felt heavy, she had been travelling all day and had been working the whole time.

Whilst Harry was talking about him hosting this year's met gala, she slowly fell asleep his deep, soft voice sounding like a lullaby.

He awed in admiration as he lifted his head to see her asleep, her mouth slightly open as her chest heaved rhythmically whilst she snored quietly. He lifted her bridal style as he took her to her room laying her down on the bed, he left a note by the bed as he went into his own chambers, falling asleep with the comfort of knowing Hoda was with him by the coast.


On the other side of Europe far from Italy's coast lay JJ, in his own cold miserable king-sized bed as he stared out of the windows in his bedroom, the sun slowly disappearing behind the buildings, his mind was occupied with her. The beautiful woman with green eyes. He doubted she'd ever leave his head. She consumed his every thought.

By now he would have caught a glance at her, with the long dark hours approaching she often made time in the evenings to watch the sun disappear and wait until the sky went dark, wanting to catch a sight of the moon before she went to bed. Yet, the long treacherous hours of the night were approaching, and JJ had not yet seen her. Maybe it was because of what he said last night.

Fuck! Had he messed up his one shot with her?

He was going to have to see her.

Then he backtracked. He couldn't go and see her. Not now anyway. She had said that she would go along with anything he had to offer if he still had a girlfriend.

He had wanted to go downstairs to talk to Simon earlier, but Talia was there. Sharla and Talia had been great friends and he didn't want to ruin that bond within them and nor did he want Talia telling Sharla anything until he told her first.

So instead, he picked up his phone and called Simon, it would be easier to get him here than for him to go downstairs.

Written: 15/11/2021
Published: 16/11/2021

(A/N: JJ0latunji dared me to, so yall can thank her <33)

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