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The meeting had gone by successfully.
Hoda was now sitting with Chase and members of the promotional management team as they talked about bringing on influencers to promote VAPE.

"We need to expand more in London with British influencers,"

"As in those people who are only active on Instagram posting pictures of themselves?" Hoda looked at her team with disappointment, "You know I only support hard-working people."

"So not Instagram influencers, how about YouTubers?"

"Like whom?" She raised her brow at her team challengingly.

"Sidemen, Bambino Becky, Chunkz." These names didn't sound real.


"Right now, KSI, if you can get him on the sponsor, I can guarantee to sell out of the product but he's going to America soon, and maybe Chunkz, he's slowly making a come through in the mainstream television,"

She hated doing promotional meetings because all she could think about was the easy money these influencers made for just being pretty, whilst others in the real world had to work their asses off. But the current two options seemed like good ideas. She didn't even know who either of them is. But VAPE had recently been lacking in sponsorships.

"Set the meetings up."


She was sitting on the roof when the smell of cinnamon floated through the air, her eyes moved down to see JJ standing below her.

"Hey." She moved her legs to see JJ standing beneath her, vaping.
He grunted the same was he had when he had seen her before in the lobby, "Hey."

"What's got you looking like that moody-pants?" She asked.

"Broke up with Sharla."

"Oh." She bites her lips to stop the laughter from slipping between her lips. The news might be bad for him but she was over the moon, "Really?"

"Mhm." He moved his head to see her. A mischievous glint in her eyes and the corners of her lips trying hard not to tremble with laughter.

As soon as their eyes meet, she gives in, a loud boisterous laughter coming from her lips. It had been rare for her to laugh but with JJ the notion seemed to come naturally. He stared daggers into her, fighting her contagious rays of laughter until his body could fight no more and together, they laughed.
She was appalled by the sound of his laugh, booming and loud, but nonetheless, the sound of his laughter contributed to hers, they laughed until they had tears in their eyes and stitches in their sides.

After their laughter had calmed, they stood quietly staring at each other until she broke their eye contact. "So how does it feel being single?"

"Great." He mutters, a new wave of grief washing over him.

"Shit! I didn't mean it like that." She takes her word back, "But I'm guessing you and Sharla had been dating for a while hence your reason for not breaking u even though you were both unhappy."

"Was it really that obvious?"

She nodded, "Really obvious."

He sighed, "We'd been dating since secondary school."

"Oh, wow!" Her eyes widen at his statement, that's a really long time, "Almost ten years?"

"Eight." He nodded.

And Hoda felt guilt wash over her, she was the reason for them breaking up after eight years, who knows if she hadn't said anything he would have eventually proposed to her and they would have gotten married and had a family, "I'm sorry to hear that."

"Don't be," He shook his head, "We should have broken up after I moved to London, she started cheating as soon as I left, and I got too over my head living in London and then everything just went downhill from there."

She nodded in understanding, "Shame, you looked cute together."
He laughed, "That's not what you were saying a few days ago."

"I would rather have people happy than cute."

He shrugged, "True."

After a few minutes of silence, he asked, "So where did you go? I didn't see you for a few days."

"Business trip, Italy." She says, not entirely a lie but not the complete truth either, "But I'll make sure to run my schedule with you the next time I leave."

He rolled his eyes at her sarcasm, "Yeah please do, would save us from worrying about you."


"You didn't hear Ethan jumping around as soon as he heard you're back in London, he still hoping for your next date."

She chuckled a bit uncomfortable, she had promised Ethan another date yet had completely forgotten about it, "Oh."

She changed the subject, "Heard you're leaving for some promotional tour in America?"

"Yeah, I'm fighting Logan Paul and we're doing the promo tour."

She nodded, "Cool."

And on cue, her phone rang. CHASE.

"Excuse me."

She disappeared into the soundproof glass doors.

"You have a meeting with Louis Tomlinson and his management team tomorrow evening..." He reminded her, going through tomorrow's schedule. Whilst she listened absentmindedly as she watched the vapour from downstairs float through the still night. JJ was still on the balcony.

"And then you have the files that I had given you two weeks ago that you still have to go-"

"Alright Chase, tell Tomlinson's management we'll be having a casual brunch meeting in the café rooftop and let me remind you that those files have yet to be colour coordinated."

"You are fucking kidding me!"

"Nope, now if you don't mind, I have to go."

She didn't give time for Chase to respond as she ended the call and moved back towards the roof-top ledge.

"Hey again." She greeted the man with yellow dreadlocks who rolled his eyes at the sight of her, clearly not wanting to admit that he was overjoyed to see her make a comeback.

"Who was that?"

"Woah, woah, woah," She grinned backtracking, "You haven't even taken me out for dinner yet and you're already protective."

"Oh, right, my apologies." He changed his tone, sounding melodramatic, sounding like something that would come out of a Shakespeare play, "Would thou lady agree to a dinner date?"

"Oh, I'm sure she'd be more than happy." Hoda chuckled.

"But how am I mean to organise a date if I do not have the lady's number?"

"A true gentleman would find a way to acquire a lady's number." She teased, "I am sure one of your friends has her number."

"Well then give me your num-"

But she was already gone, her footsteps disappeared from off the roof and JJ was left with a mission of getting her number and taking her out on a date before he left for America.

He was already head over heels, whist to her, he was no more than entertainment.

Written: 16/11/2021
Published: 21/11/2021

(A/N: chemistry exams tomorrow,  pray for me lol)

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