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The next day Hoda had slept through four of her alarms, all through her morning prayers, her scheduled time to go to work and even through Chase's calls. However, when she had woke up she was sure of something. Gold. The colour that reminds her so much of brown eyes. The golden flickers between his orbs and pupils. The ones that shined so brightly no matter what.

She had finally got out of bed during noon, the air was too cold for her to sit down on the roof for her morning coffee so instead, she settled for watching London's busy Tuesday through her kitchen window as she sat cross-legged on the counter drinking her bitter coffee. She had a meeting in two hours, but that could wait for now as she made her way into the spare room of her apartment, she had many of those, but one was very full. She had pictures and paintings all around the walls. Her love for art had never been faulted.

No matter how cold-hearted she had grown over the years the one thing she had never given up was her love for art. She had always loved her creative side and after her parent's death, she had learnt to embrace it, finding that art and photography always seemed to bring her home. To somehow manage to fill the gaping hole in her heart. Never fully, but when she painted or took pictures, she would always feel her parent's presence close to her.

Her hands moved seamlessly, surly, knowingly over the canvas, painting an image familiar to her. The comforting shades of brown and gold coloured the once blank material in front of her.

She felt her head spin at the colours and shades. Taking a step back to admire her work in the afternoon's sunlight, she realised the image replicated something very familiar to her. Him. Her art resembled him. His brown doe golden orbs, his smooth melanin skin. Perfect.

There was no other way to describe her art other than perfect.

She takes one last look at the artwork before putting down her brush and closing the door behind her. This was exactly what art was to her. What he was to her. A secret.

She changed out of her comforting home clothes and into the outfit she had set out for the day. Grey. Just like everything else in her life, grey. Bland. Repetitive. Complicated yet sophisticated.

When she had stepped into the elevator, she bumped into the one person she least wanted to see. Ethan.

Greeting him with a smile their ride down to the lobby was quite beside the sound of the boring elevator music.

"So what's going on with you and JJ?"

"We went out on a date," She shrugged, seemingly indifferent about what had happened last night, yet somehow she couldn't help but feel her stomach do summersaults.

"Oh," He pretends to be mock hurt, "You still haven't taken me out on the date you promised, but you're already going out with JJ?"

Her eyes widen in realisation as a wave of guilt washes over her, "How about tomorrow, me and you, I'll be waiting for you down here at 6 pm sharp."

He nods his head, confirming it. "I'll see you then Miss Hoda."

And with that they both step in different directions, she goes towards her car that was waiting for her and he moves towards the Uber.

"So, ma'am, how was your date last night?"

She shrugged, "Okay."

"I'd have hoped so." He nodded, "For a gentleman to take you out after midnight would speak very suggestively."

"Thankfully, nothing happened." She shut down his speculations with a hard tone, changing the subject, "How are the kids?"


They made small talk on the drive towards the office, after their conversation had died out, Hoda leaned her head towards the window watching London pass during the day. Often, she would leave the house early and be home very late, it was rare for her to leave the office during the times when the sun was out.


JJ on the other hand had got home, a bright glow firing up in him. He was sure with what he had done tonight, he had captured her heart in a way that no one else could. He had her.

And with that thought he had showered and made his way to bed, his tired body welcoming the feeling of rest. Falling asleep with thoughts of her dancing through his head.

The next morning however things were not as smooth sailing as he had imagined it to be. His morning had started off too early for his liking 10 am. With a call from his mother, screaming at him down the line. Their relationship was balancing on thin ice since what had happened between him and Deji, back in the old sidemen house.

The only thing keeping him in the 'family' was the fact that he was dating his parents' best friend's daughter. Meaning in order for his parents to continue their business with Sharla's family was by he and Sharla dating. Now that they had broken up, his family had also shattered into pieces.

"What do you mean you've broken up!?"

"Ma! It just wasn't working out! she was sleeping around with other guys."

"Because you weren't giving her enough attention always doing youtube, youtube, youtube, with your stupid friends! You're going to make it look like a stupid joke and make it up to her, you'll be getting engaged after your stupid fight."

He was left speechless.

"But I don't want to marry her Ma!"

"Well tough luck! You'll be getting married and then engaged, until you make it up to her don't even bother talking to us."

JJ is given no time to defend his wants as his mother ends the call. Leaving him on the line listening speechlessly to the sound of the obnoxious beeps.

He didn't have time to discuss with anyone what was happening, he had to leave tomorrow morning for his flight to LA. So that morning, after his casual run, he made his way to the gym, his gym session unsuccessful and as boring as ever as his mind was occupied elsewhere. Torn between the two women. One which he needed in his life and the other who he wanted.

"What's wrong with you! Put your head into it! YOU HAVE A FIGHT!"

JJ shook his head frustrated and annoyed.

"I know you just broke up with your girlfriend so I'll cut you slack today, but JJ, this is serious." Viddal his coach, sympathised sitting beside him as he undid the laces on his boxing gloves, trying to figure out what was wrong with his mate.

"It's not her." JJ shook his head, "Everything's just going downhill, and I don't know how to stop it."

"Well, you better start pulling yourself together, as soon as we land in America, you won't have the time to sulk, understand?" His coach patted him on the back, "Now pack up, we've done enough for today."

Sharla or Hoda?

Written: 29/11/2021

Published: 29/11/2021

Breathe, My Love ~ KSI (discontinued)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant