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matching trainers

Hoda closed her eyes falling asleep in her jet as she watched the plane disappear into the clouds. Her own mind was cloudy with thoughts of upcoming business meetings and her upcoming schedule. But that didn't seem to be the only thing on her mind as it should be. JJ had been a reoccurring thought in her head as she stared at her laptop mindlessly. Something had been off about JJ yesterday when she and Ethan last saw him in the lift before their date.

"Say it." She rolled her eyes feeling Chase's eyes locked on her.

"What is wrong with you?" He frowned his eyes scanning over her. It wasn't odd for Hoda to go awfully silent whilst on the plane. But something about her silence was suffocating the energy of the plane.

"Nothing." She shook her head as if it would rid her of her thoughts.

"Try to relax a bit, you're in America now."

"Am I in America to take a break or am I in America for a business trip?" She cocked her head to the side as she made a mockery of his words.

"Whatever then, stay moody." He rolled his eyes sinking further into his seat as he buried his head into the mountain of work that he had been assigned to complete before they landed.

She had slept through the entire plane ride only waking up 20 minutes before landing to prepare her needs for the business meeting, she'd be attending upon landing.

"Ready to leave moody pants?" Chase joked as he had bought the luggage down from the overhead compartments.

She fixed her hijab that had moved out of place and reapplied her minimal amount of makeup. She walked out with Chase walking a step behind her, watching her back for any arousing trouble, dragging along both his luggage and hers.

"Have you got the car?" Hoda turned around briefly to Chase who nodded, moving his head to the side, a few meters ahead of them was a black Chevrolet parked in the middle of the tarmac, with the driver in a suit waiting patiently for Hoda and Chase.

"Miss Noor?"

"That would be me." She smiled as he opened the door of the car for her and took the suitcases off Chase to put into the trunk.

Their car ride was spent comfortably as the driver played classic music and Hoda rested her head on Chase's shoulder, as they quietly discussed the order of the meetings between themselves.

"First is the ambassador meeting," He began reading the agenda off his phone, "Then we have time to get to the hotel and freshen up, and we'll be ending the day with a dinner with the ambassadors at around eight."

I just have to remember to emphasise that I will be buying their shares back from them as soon as VAPE launches she told herself, taking a mental note.

"Then you have a meeting tomorrow afternoon with that housing agency for that apartment you wanted to buy," Chase continues, "That's it for tomorrow, the day after you have a meeting with JJ and his management for him promoting the new product, and that's it, later on in the week you have a flight to New York City that you haven't specified for what just says 'H promotion' and also the housing agency, you wanted to get an apartment in New York."

She nods trying to digest all of what he had just said, thanking the heavens for Chase because, without him, she would have been a blooming hot mess.

The meeting went smoothly, as they had all mutually agreed that they would open all of their shops around all of the American major cities in a month and a half, November.


"Oh god, you won't believe how long I've waited for the Four-Season Hotel's spa." Chase grinned as they walked into the hotel after their dinner, the dinner had gone on longer than both had anticipated and since they were hosting the dinner, they couldn't have been the first ones to leave. So, it had dragged on for an hour extra, they dragged themselves into the hotel at 11:30 pm, tired and drained.

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