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Sharla was getting railed into the headboard when her phone rang. The man above her head pausing to look at the screen as she cursed whoever was calling her at such a crucial moment.


She grunted muting the phone, pulling the man above her closer.

"You can't stop when you've already got me on edge," She pulled him into a chaste kiss, as he continued.

She fell asleep that night, not even bothering to call JJ back, she lay peacefully in the arms of the man that had accompanied her back from the club.

In London, JJ lay on the couch his feet up on the couch as he watched the minutes tick by on the clock. "Sharla and I are going separate ways," He said more to himself than Simon, who had propped his feet up on the coffee table as they absentmindedly watched the half-time break on JJ's massive mirror.

"Oh," Simon raised his eyebrows turning to his friend in shock, "Why?"

"It's not working out, she's been cheating for a while and so have I. It wouldn't make sense for us to keep seeing each other just because our parents approve on the relationship."

He nodded in understanding; it was obvious to anyone with eyes that neither JJ nor Sharla were happy in their relationship. The boys had become accustomed to Sharla and were on relatively good terms, but the girls on the other hand all loved Sharla, she was their best friend and there was no way that after their break-up JJ and Sharla wouldn't end up bumping into each other,
"You do know that she and Talia are best friends, right?"

He nodded, sighing, "I know."

"And your parents, you've got to understand that they only want what's best for you and letting go of Sharla as your future wife is going to be really hard for them."

"I know." He sighed again; this was going to be impossible, "But it's not fair for either of us, she's clearly not happy with me and I can't stand in the same room as her without arguing."

Simon scratched the back of his neck reluctantly, thinking about what JJ had said.

"Would this decision have something to do with our neighbour upstairs?" He had known JJ long enough to read him like a book.

"Not entirely, you've heard me talk about breaking up with her for the longest time, and Hoda was the breaking point, it's not fair on either me or Sharla."

Simon nodded acknowledging what JJ had said, "Alright, call her and set up a date or something for you to break up, try and do it on good terms."


He picked up his phone to call Sharla but she didn't pick up, so instead, he sent her a text.

Meet me there, we need to talk.


In Europe, Harry was getting his makeup done by the Hair & Makeup crew as he watched Hoda talk over details with the director of the shoot, payments and bills, all the things she would leave Chase in charge of if it wasn't for him being Harry's biggest fanboy. Hoda had kept her music and management label private, the only people aware of it were those who worked in the company and Donya, and that was only because it slipped.
"Ready?" She turned towards Harry, she had felt his eyes pierce into the side of her face as she was talking to the director.

"Always." He beamed, holding eye contact with her.

Their eyes mirrored each other. Emerald green, the same colour as freshly picked green grapes.

Talking about grapes she picked one off the branch he was holding.

"Hey!" He pouted, crossing his hands childishly over his chest as she pulled his cheek.

"Get over yourself, sugarplum, you have a video to film." She grinned, being with Harry made her forget about her day-to-day problems in the office, she deserved a few days away from London, if anything, she needed time away to think about JJ and Ethan.

After the shoot had finally come to an end everyone was sat on the yacht at the table, getting served dinner. Hoda received a text from Ethan.

Where are you?

Hoda's appetite had suddenly diminished.

Harry who was sitting next to her had seen her moon deflate, she was playing around with the food on his dish as she stared absentmindedly at the table.

"What's up?" He asked, he was bored of the conversation about their shoot. He was aware of how well it had ended up being and the only thing left was for it to be sent to the editors to finish the job.

She sighed, "Nothing."

"I've known for too long for you to sit here and lie to me." He chuckled taking his hand in hers, pulling her up, "Excuse us."

He didn't wait for anyone's response as he pulled her away from the food table and towards the back of the deck where they watched the star-filled sky and clear ocean that reflected the sky, the stars similar to diamonds.

He watched the glimmer of their light in her eyes as the back of his hand brushed softly against her cheek. "Mi amora, who has messed with your heart, I haven't seen this look in your eyes since Modrić."

"A group of guys moved into my apartment," She explains, wanting to start from the beginning, she has wanted to talk about this with someone for the longest time, "And I think two out of the seven like me."

"Siete?" He raised an eyebrow in shock, "You have seven new neighbours?"

She nodded, "They're friends."

"Not for long though, I am sure that between the seven, you have captured more hearts than two." He joked, earning a playful slap from Hoda, "Ow!"

"What do you think I should do, Harold? You are no stranger to acquaintances."

"Yes, I have had many, but almost all were for publicity, the one I truly loved left me and the one I currently love has seven new neighbours." He shrugged.

"Don't." She shook her head, he always managed to sneak in little innuendos like these not as a way to make her feel bad but he knew if he didn't say it, the words would suffocate him.

"I love you; you know this better than I do!" He had grown tired of his attempts going unnoticed, "How long for you to take me a suitor seriously?"
"You know why! because when we did date, all you went on about was Louis and you still talk about him now, there is nothing wrong with talking about him Harry, but you still haven't healed, your wound is still fresh and until either of you talk to each other about it, your wound will always bleed."

"Bandage it then! Fix me! I know you can, because I've seen you do it before, you're heart is as pure as your intentions. Hold me together the same way I've watched you help other people!"

"I can't ever love you like that Harry! I love you; I really do! But you know as well as I, it's all lies."

His shoulders slumped and he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, she was right. She always was. He took a step closer to her.

"I'm sorry." He looked into those orbs that resembled his, she's right, even now the only person he sees in his head is Louis, the way his soft feathery hair fell into his face, or how his vans and converses were always ruffled and worn, not to mention his blue eyes, the same colour as the ocean after a storm, a painful reminder of the reason why he chose to film the music video here. It was because of Louis. Rope and anchor, together they would hold each other afloat.

"I'm sorry too," She sighed, wrapping her arms around him as he did the same embracing her warmth.

Written: 15/11/2021
Published: 18/11/2021

(A/N: im publishing this like I don't have two exams tomorrow lmaoo)

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