Chapter 1

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"Home sweet home," Archer opened the door and ushered us all in. Max, Tyler and Hunter had agreed to deal with my parents bodies and to make it look like an accident, Nadia stayed glued to my side as did Archer, we walked into the house and stopped in the living room. "Nadia, you're welcome to stay here for as long as you want, and I'm sorry for how I acted when we first met," on the walk back Nadia had told me how Archer acted, he agreed to apologies after I shouted at him.

"Thanks Cujo," I laughed at Nadia's new nickname for Archer.

"Welcome Dracula," I swatted his shoulder and walked over to the table. "What are you doing ?"

"I need to get all these weapons off me, same for you Nad," she nodded and stood at the opposite end of the table, I pulled off the bow and arrows and put them on the table, I pulled the three stakes from my boots, took off my belt which had four knifes and six stakes, I pulled off my holsters and put them on the table, I pulled out the two stakes from under my Jumper wrist and put them down before pulling out the knife I had stuffed down my cleavage and another two knifes from the back of my pants, Nadia had most of the same stuff although I had her beat in numbers.

"Wow," Raine looked at the weapons with Dayton and Chloe as Vicky pulled out all her weapons too. "How did you fit all this on you ?"

"Easy, I did have more but kinda lost the bottles of Vodka when I set the garage on fire," I pulled out the two lighters I had in my back pockets.

"And setting fire to our car," Nadia added.

"Wow, sounds like you became a right little badass didn't you ?" Dayton smiled.

"Yeah, also learned a few more fighting techniques," I was about to pull off my jumper when I remembered my back, I shook my head and leaned into Archer. "I'm so tired."

"Come on, let's get everyone to bed," We all walked upstairs. Dayton had gone into her room while Raine went into the room next door, Chloe went into the room next to it. I spotted the door to the room I had stayed in my first time here and noticed it was next to Archers room.

"Here's your room," I opened the door and let them look. "Sorry you guys have to share but it's the only room left, you have an on suite through that door and I know the bed is comfortable from when I've stayed here."

"Thank you Av," Nadia gave me a hug. "Really, it's a relief to be out of there."

"No problem, I'm in the room next door," I pointed at Archer's door. "If you need me just knock, and Vicky should know where everything is."

"Thanks, Good night Avalon," I smiled and left Nadia and Vicky to sleep.

"God I've missed you," Archer had wrapped me in a hug as soon as I stepped into his room, I smiled and hugged him back.

"I've missed you two," I leaned up to kiss him, he immediately responded my moving his hands to my waist and pulling me as close as he possibly could, I jumped up and wrapped my leg around his waist while I used my hands to pull on his hair slightly. I barely noticed that we were on his bed, my jumper was gone and so was his shirt, he went to unbutton my pants and my mind flashed back.

"You're going to regret that," He began to undo his belt so I thrashed. "And I am going to enjoy every minuet of it,"

I stopped and pulled back, Archer looked instantly worried and cupped my face.

"What's wrong ?" his eyes were pure panic, I smiled and tried to ease his anxiousness.

"Nothing, I just want to lay here, it's nice to feel safe again," he knew I was lying but let it pass.

"Okay," he pulled us up so he had his head on the pillow and I was laying on his chest while he stroked my hair. "I'm glad you're home."

"Me too Huntsman, me too."


"I'm gonna make you scream like I did the first time we did this," He pulled out his knife.

"Then do it, I'm never going to give you the satisfaction of hearing me scream," He flipped me around before drawing lines on my back as I hissed in pain, he licked up some of the blood from my back. "Don't touch me."

"Or what ?" I managed to kick his manhood and roll out from under him but the other man pinned me down. The man who I kicked loomed over me so I spat in his face. "You're going to regret that," He began to undo his belt so I thrashed. "And I am going to enjoy every minuete of it," I made sure my head hit the floor with such force so I knocked myself out, unfortunately it didn't work the first time.

"What is she doing ?" The man holding me down asked, slightly panicking I was doing this.

"As I said, you're not going to hear me scream," I hit my head back


"Avalon ?" I shot up panting after the dream, Archer wrapped his arms around me. "Shh, it's okay, it's okay."

"I'm fine," I'd calmed down a little after five minuets. "I'm okay."

"Are you sure ?" I nodded.

"Avalon ? Avalon ?" I shot up as I heard Nadia cry my name, I ran to her room and found her crying on the floor leaning against the wall.

"Nadia, I'm here," I ran over to her and wrapped my arms around her, Vicky sat on her bed looking scared, I motioned her over and she cuddled into us. When I looked up I saw everyone else had gotten out of bed to see what was wrong, Archer, Hunter, Tyler and Chloe looked in pity as Max, Raine and Dayton looked concerned as to why she was crying for me.

"I woke up and you weren't here and I thought that-" I cut her off, knowing where she was headed.

"I know, I had the same Nightmare," I stroked Vicky's hair as I rocked Nadia. I looked up to Archer motioning for them to leave, he took the hint and got everyone to go back to bed, he came back to our doorway after a few minuets with a blanket which he placed over the three of us.

"Night Snow," he kissed my forehead. "Love you."

"Love you too," He smiled and closed the door after him.

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