Chapter 11

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"You ready ?" Archer held onto my hand, we stood outside the church at the moment, everyone was inside, waiting to start the ceremony. I wanted to go in, I wanted that closure of seeing my parents get a decent burial, something many of our friends couldn't get, but my feet wouldn't move. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to, I know everything going on can be-"

"I'm okay," I forced myself to make those few steps inside.

"I'm so sorry for your loss," a voice sounded from my left, as I turned I saw it was the woman who chaperoned the dance. "It's awfully tragic, and only months after the death of your friend," I nodded, not allowing myself to speak or my voice could break.

"Yes it's been a very sad time, excuse me but we need to go find our loved ones," Archer ushered me to the main room where at the alter laid two coffins next to a picture of my parents smiling, there were hundreds of flowers surrounding them.

"Avalon," Pops opened his arms which I took grateful and pulled him into one of the tightest hugest I could. "It's okay sweetie," he kissed the top of my head.

"Come on, we should take our seats," Dayton held onto my hand and we sat down in the pews. I sat in the front row with Pops, Tyler, Vicky and Chloe, Raine, Max, Dayton, Nadia, Hunter and Archer sat in the row behind us.

"Today we are here to mourn the passing of Mr and Mrs Debra and Gareth Greene, who had lost their lives in a tragic car crash," I tuned out the minister as he went on to talk about their lives. "And now there is a few people who would like to say a few words," Pops got up, talking about how his daughter had always been daring, adventurous and the highlight of her life was marrying my dad and having me. Next up to speak was Tyler.

"Where do I even begin ?" Tyler stood at the alter and let out a humourless chuckle. "Mr and Mrs Greene had always been like a second pair of parents to me, whenever I went to their house I was always welcome and I know they will be missed not only missed by family but by everyone, I know for a fact that everyone they knew they made an impact on them, and I hope we forever have them in our prayers," Tyler smiled before walking back to sit besides me. It was my turn.

"Well, I honestly don't know how we will manage to survive without my Mom and Dad, they were some of the kindest and warmest people I knew and they didn't deserve to have their lives end so abruptly," I shook out the image of Mom dying in my arms, when I opened them I spotted Casey and Lizze standing at the back of the hall and a wave of rage hit me. "They were some of the best people you could ever meet and did not deserve to die in that way," Casey smirked at me so I decided to bring out the big guns. "I remember one time actually, my old best friend Casey and I were messing around trying to figure out which colour to dye our hair, and my Mom found us with blue hair dye all over the white kitchen tiles, we expected her to scream at us but instead helped us clean up and dyed our hair for us," Casey looked ready to cry, as well as Lizze. "But that was just the person she was, kind, caring and easy going."

"Thank you Avalon," the minister smiled at me as I stepped down. I looked over at Casey but she started to walk out, instead of sitting back down I made my way down to the isle, trying to get Casey, once out the doors of the church I spun around looking for them.

"Damn it," I kicked the closest tree, leaving a dent.

"What happened Snow ?" Archer jogged out after me.

"I saw her! I saw Casey and I lost her!" I kicked the same tree again.

"Come 'ere," Archer pulled me by my wrist to him, I tried to push away but he just held me closer, making me punch at his chest.

"I had her, if I had been quicker-" He silenced me by crashing his lips mine, when we got breathless he pulled back.

"We'll get her next time, but now we are going to bury your parents, something that we can't do very much in our world," I nodded and followed him to the back door of the church waiting for the church to take the coffins to the burial plots. Ten minutes later Archer, Pops, Hunter and Tyler carried my Mom's casket while Max and a few other boys carried my Dad's, when we reached the plots they lowered the caskets and we threw the handful's of dirt into the holes.

"Goodbye, thank you for coming," I gave each person a small hug and the same phrase over and over until Pops dragged me away from them.

"How you doing princess ?" I sighed.

"Today was supposed to be to mourn them and all I did was lose their killer," I shook my head. "I should have killed them when I had the chance."

"But you didn't," I looked up to see Pops looking determined. "I know you Avalon, like your mother you are determined to save everyone you love, I know you have everyone here but they can't save you from everything."

"I can save myself," I straightened up, glaring at him. "I am not the pathetic girl who was ignorant to everything, I can fight, I have killed and I will do what I need to in order to survive, a lesson I have learnt too many times."

"Well I am going to make you an offer, I am offering my pack and I's assistance should you need it," I gave him a weird look. "If this does come to a war with Stefan, which it most likely will I want you to be ready to fight and kill."

"And I will," I looked back where Vicky, Chloe and Tyler were next to his truck, waiting for me. "Next time I won't hesitate to rip out his heart."

"I don't doubt it."

"I will consider your offer, you will know by the end of the week."

"I'll be waiting," and with that he walked away, got in his truck and left.

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