Chapter 6

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We trained for another three hours before we got too tired and went upstairs for food. Nadia had helped Dayton practice fighting while I helped Max and Raine, more Raine then Max, Max was working on his strength by punching the bag, I taught Raine a few techniques on how to get in a few fatal hits.

"Looks like you had fun," Archer joked and gave me a quick peck.

"Taught them a few new moves," I winked and grabbed a bottle of water.

"She is more brutal in training them you Arch," Dayton managed to get out between gulps of water.

"Seriously ?" Archer gave me a suspicious look.

"Oh yeah, you two are made for each other," Raine smiled at us.

"Well I hope so," He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my temple. "Because I am not letting you go ever again," I smiled and leaned into him.

"God you guys are sickly sweet, you are giving me a toothache," Nadia laughed.

"Yeah yeah, not as sweet as that cake you made on the second week we got there," I reminded her, god even thinking about it made my teeth hurt.

"That was not my fault!" Nadia argued.

"What happened ?" Max asked, half laughing.

"Nadia accidentally poured a whole bag of sugar in the cake mix, we threw the cake since it made us all sick," by the end of the story we were all laughing imagining the scene.

"Why don't you go shower ? You kinda stink," I fake gasped and swatted his shoulder.

"I'm so offended at that Archer, that's it, it's over," I said in a playful voice, I went to walk away but was pulled back and picked up by Archer, making me wrap my legs around him due to the way he picked me up. "Hey!"

"I don't think you've noticed this, but you're mine, forever," I laughed and gave him a quick kiss. "Bye guys," before I could respond Archer used his hellhound speed to move us to his room where I landed on his bed laughing.

"You're an idiot," I smiled at him.

"But I'm your idiot," He gave me another kiss before getting up. "Now go shower, you really do stink," I gasped and threw my shoe at him but he was already gone. I got up, got undressed and climbed in the shower, the water was warm but still cool enough. I ran my hand over the newest scar of my collection, I felt the raised skin from my collar bone to my breast, funny how all my scars came from the orders of the same person, the same girl who was scared of horror movies and hid under the bed during a thunderstorm, the same girl who would cry during sad movies and would squeal when I told her about a date. That girl was gone, and replaced by a heartless monster, who thrived on my pain.

I jumped out the shower before the depressing thoughts took over, I threw on a plaid teal shirt, black vest and black exercise shorts. I ran downstairs and saw Tyler, Dayton, Max, Archer, Vicky and Chloe in the games room shouting and laughing about a video game, Hunter, Nadia and Raine were in the kitchen talking.

"Hey guys," I walked in and stood next to Nadia. "Whatcha talking about ?"

"Nothing much, just deciding what to have for lunch, we are making it since everyone is playing quiz games in the living room," Hunter answered.

"How come you guys aren't playing anyway ?" Why are they sitting out ?

"They are playing in couples," Nadia said while looking down.

"Well why don't you two play ?" I pointed at Hunter and Nadia who's heads shot up giving me a questioning look. "It will be fun, and you can get more involved with everyone," I said the last part to Nadia, Hunter glanced at Nadia.

"I'm not sure-" Nadia was cut off by Hunter.

"Sounds fun," Hunter grabbed her hand and started to pull her towards the games room. "Come on, unless you're scared to lose."

"Oh, it's on," Nadia smiled one of the brightest smiles I'd ever seen her use before following Hunter.

"You did that on purpose didn't you ?" Raine smiled at me.

"She deserves a little happiness in her life, she hasn't had much in sixty years," I pushed off the counter. "So does he."

"So, what shall we make for dinner ?" Raine opened the cupboards.

"Spaghetti bolognaise ? It's easy to make and doesn't require a lot of work," she nodded and we set to work getting everything out. "How are things with you and Max ?"

"Good, he's really great," Raine blushed and pushed a stray hair behind her ear. "I heard you and Nadia talking the other morning," I stopped chopping tomatoes, keeping my eyes on the food.

"Really ?" I started to chop again. "There wasn't really anything to hear honestly, we were just working out."

"Avalon..." her voice full of pity.

"Seriously, there was nothing to hear," I put the tomatoes into a bowl before grabbing some onions and cutting them.

"Is he Stefan ?" Raine asked timidly from her side of the counter, she was heating up the pan and measuring the spices and the wine.

"No, Stefan wouldn't have done that to me, he is dead thanks to Stefan," I put the onions in the pan and added the mince. "Look, I know you're dying to ask so just ask already," I crossed my arms and looked at her.

"Can I see them ?" I pulled my shirt up and showed her my back, then I went back to stirring the food.

"Could you add in the spices and stuff ?" she nodded and put them in. "You won't say anything will you ?"

"Not if you don't want me to," This is what I needed, a group of friend who I trusted with my darkest secrets and nightmares.

"Thank you, now help me boil the spaghetti," she smiled and we finished making the rest of the meal. "Dinner's ready!"

"WooHoo!" Hunter and Nadia ran into the dining room and jumped into seats next to each other. "Wow this looks great," Nadia picked up a fork. Max, Chloe and Vicky walked in and sat opposite them, we put all the plates out as Dayton, Tyler and Archer walked in, Dayton and Tyler sat next to Nadia while Raine sat on one end of the table in-between Tyler and Max.

"This smells good," Archer gave me a kiss on the cheek before taking his plate from me and sitting next to me.

"Dig in," everyone began to eat, saying thanks and how much they liked it. "So who won the quiz thing ?" I asked, my mouth half full.

"One guess," Archer mumbled giving a pointed glare at Nadia and Hunter.

"Don't pout Cujo, you can win the next one," Nadia winked at Archer which made him growl.

"Play nice," I put my hand over his. "Nadia must you taunt him ?"

"But it was just a bit of harmless fun," Nadia tried to look innocent but her eyes gleamed with mischief.

"Yeah yeah," we laughed. Everyone was in their own conversations, they looked calm, happy, safe. It was just like it was supposed to be.

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