Chapter 12

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"So what are we drinking, Jack Daniels or straight up Vodka ?" Vicky brought the bottles out into the backyard with Chloe. After the funeral Tyler drove us four back to my house, Archer had been against the idea but I promised to call him if anything went wrong and that I'd keep a stake on me at all times. So now here sat all four of us, in pj's sitting around a fire I had made, with alcohol, sounded like the ideal way to mourn your loved ones.

"Give me the Jack Daniels, and the coke and cups," I took the stuff from her and started to make my drink.

"I like it out here," Chloe sat down next to Tyler. "It's quiet."

"Yeah, haven't really had that in a while," Tyler smiled.

"I'm sorry for getting you guys in this mess with me," I apologised, I felt so guilty that their lives were practically over because of me.

"We wouldn't change it for the world," Vicky gave my leg a squeeze.

"It's just that so many people have died because of me," I shook my head. "I don't know how much more I can take."

"Do you guys remember the time we tried to build a tree house out my backyard ?" Tyler asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Oh god, didn't you nail Avalon's shirt to the tree ?" Chloe laughed.

"No that was Lincoln, Tyler superglued the ply wood to Vicky's leg," I smiled remembering the day, we were thirteen and wanted a cool hangout, we kinda failed.

"That was you ?!" Vicky exclaimed making us all laugh harder. "I blamed that on Lizze and splashed the red paint all over her!"

"That's why you did that ? I thought you did it on accident!" I laughed harder.

"Wait, what were you doing during all of this ?" Chloe asked me and everyone leaned closer getting ready to listen.

"Well..." I bit my lip before saying it all in one. "Casey and I got the hose and drenched you all."

"I thought that was just Casey!" Chloe smiled.

"I hid behind her so she got the blame," I shrugged, as if it was the most casual thing in the world.

"You are really devious," Tyler raised a brow at me. "How the hell did we think you were sweet and innocent ?"

"Because ignorance is bliss," I winked and drank from my cup. "Oh, I'll be right back," I ran into house and grabbed a old photo album before running outside.

"Is that our old photo album ?" Chloe took the book from me and pulled out a picture of all us girls, we had gone to the spa for a day.

"Yeah, look at that one, remember that day ?" I pointed at a picture of us at the beach, it was a week before Casey 'died.'

"I remember Lincoln fell asleep and we buried in sand," Tyler laughed.

"I for one was very impressed with the hole Avalon and I dug," Vicky high fived me.

"It seems so weird how much our lives have changed, we used to be so carefree, so aloof," I held the photo of Lincoln, Vicky, Tyler, Lizze, Casey, Chloe and I when we went camping, the picture was taken just before our tent collapsed, making Casey and I remake it.

"I like it better now, never a dull moment," Chloe mused. I picked up the picture and help it closer to the fire.

"I think it's time to say goodbye in our own special way," Tyler caught on to what I was doing and nodded, I threw the picture into the flames. "To Lincoln, I'm sorry I couldn't save you."

"To Casey," Vicky threw in the picture of us at the spa. "You may still be alive, but to us you died the minute you turned."

"To Lizze," Chloe threw in a picture of her and Lizze from when we were little. "I'm sorry, but I can't love the monster you have become."

"To Mr and Mrs Greene," Tyler passed me a picture of my parents and I, I threw it into the flames.

"I promise to make you proud," I wiped away the single tear that fell down my cheek.

"Here, I propose a toast," Vicky raised her cup. "To Mr and Mrs Greene, may they rest in piece," we all raised our cups before drinking.

"So, what do we do now ?" Chloe asked as she poured herself another drink.

"We drink," I winked and took a swig straight from the bottle.

Casey's POV

"So, what do we do now ?" Chloe asked as she poured herself another drink.

"We drink," Avalon winked and took a swig straight from the bottle. I sat on the roof of Avalon's house, just watching them drink and talk.

"Thought I'd find you here," Stefan sat down next to me.

"I never thought I'd here one of my best friend say I was dead to them," I looked at Vicky, laughing because they were talking about the time I fell from a tree landing on Avalon.

"Are you having second thoughts about this ?" Stefan turned my head to him. "Because you lost that the moment you showed yourself to Avalon and killed her parents."

"I don't regret my choices," I turned back to the party of four. "She always had everything, she was the one who could do no wrong, the little innocent angel who had everyone wrapped around her finger, and she didn't even try," I turned away as the tears broke free. "Every guy liked her better, hell look at them, she has people willingly to die for her, she has people who love her unconditionally and she just lets them die."

"Is that why you sent Ben and Phillip after her ?" I froze. "Yes I know it was you who sent them, did you send them because you wanted to feel better then her ? To feel like you had something she didn't ?"

"I wanted her to feel as worthless as I did, when ever I saw guys who only saw Avalon and only came to me as a second choice, I wanted her to feel my pain."

"And now, your best friends want to kill you for putting her through that pain, what kind of person does that make you ?" He got up and brushed off the dust from his pants.

"You have done far worse to her! Don't you dare judge who I am when you made me this way!" How dare he!

"I may have given you a new life, but you chose to ruin your best friend," he gave me one look before jumping off the roof and into the darkness. I pulled out my phone and dialed.

"Hello ?" Vicky's words echoed through my head.

"To Casey, You may still be alive, but to us you died the minute you turned."

"It's me," A smirk made it's way onto my face. "We will be continuing with the plan."

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