Chapter 7

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"So," Archer propped himself up on his elbow next to me. "What are we doing today ?"

"I don't know," I rolled over so we were right next to each other. Last night after food we watched a movie then went to bed, thankfully Nadia didn't scream last night.

"Well I have an idea," he rolled us over so he was on top of me.

"Oh really ?" I sat up a little meeting him halfway.

"Guys!" Tyler banged on the door. "Breakfast is ready!"

"Coming," I half mumbled since my lips never left Archer's, when I pulled back he started to kiss down my neck. "We'll be there in ten, go down without us," I had to bit back from moaning the last few words.

"Okay," as soon as I heard him leave I flipped us over and rested my forehead on Archer's while running my hand over his chest and abs.

"That was a cheap shot Archie," I smirked at him while bitting my lip.

"You liked it," I laughed at him and got up.

"Whatever, you might want to take care of your little problem there," I pointed at his pants before running downstairs with him cursing about me being a 'tease' or something.

"You look giddy," Chloe passed me a plate full of food. "Whatcha do ?"

"Don't worry about it," I sat down and began laughing with everyone until Archer arrived ten minutes later, everyone turned to look at him with a raised brow yet he only looked at me playfully glaring.

"That was just cruel Snow," he strutted towards me.

"But you love me anyway," I leaned up to kiss him.

"Keep it PG," I blushed at Hunter.

"Shut up," I turned away and ate the rest of my food. "I'm going to train, who's coming with me ?"

"Me," Nadia got up.

"I'll come too," Hunter joined us, along with Chloe and Vicky.


I kicked Chloe's legs out from under her.

"And that is how it's done," I bowed and picked up a bottle of water.

"Hey," Archer walked down and laughed when he saw Nadia flip Hunter. "Alright there brother ?"

"Shut up," Hunter glared before getting a hand up from Nadia.

"Hello," he walked over to me and gave me a quick peck. "Go shower and get dressed."

"What ? Why ?" I tilted my head to the side, confused.

"Because we are going out on a date, so go shower and dress nice," He gave me a gentle push towards the stairs.

"What ? Why are we going out ?"

"Because I want to spend the day with you, and it's been seven months since we last had one now go get in that shower and changed before I come up and help you," I blushed at the double meaning before running up the stairs.

After the shower I spent ten minutes looking at clothes in the wardrobe. I needed something that could cover the back scars and my hips, I looked over at the clothes in my underwear and a short sleeve dressing gown for another few moments when someone came into the room.

"Hey," Dayton walked in with Raine and Nadia. "We thought we'd help you get ready for your date."

"What about Chloe and Vicky ?" I felt like I had barely seen them since we had gotten back.

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