Chapter 2

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*Wanda's POV*

We sat down around Y/N and held on to her.
I'm still in shock of what is happening.

W: Nat..... How bad is the shit she went through? I need to mentally prepare myself for what's about to happen.
N: It's pretty bad Wanda. I didn't have powers and it was a nightmare.... I can't imagine what she went through......
M: Wanda, I'm going to ask something and I don't want you to take it personally or get offended. I just need to make sure Y/N is alright.
W: Please, go ahead.
M: If you're not planning on sticking by her, leave now. Don't let her get attached to you more and have hope if you can't deal with all of this. She will understand if you leave from the beginning, but I won't be so understanding if you leave her afterwards.
W: I'm not going anywhere. She's my person. I will marry her right now if she accepts. She's the love of my life and I will NEVER do anything that will hurt her.
N: Wanda, she will never be able to have kids. She will have trouble adjusting to normal life again and will have constant nightmares and flashbacks. If you're prepared to deal with all of this, then I will be so happy but if you can't, we understand and Y/N will understand.
W: I'm not going anywhere. I don't care about the fact that she can't have kids. I can carry them. And if I can't, then we can adopt. All I care about is her safety and happiness. I love her and I'm not going anywhere.

After spending the whole day with Y/N, Nat and Maria went to talk with Melina and then to bed.

I laid in the chair next to her and decided to try and get in her head to wake her up.

*Y/N's POV*

For some strange reason, this time feels different.
I'm in my dreams but I feel like I'm awake. Like I have control or something.
Huh, I don't know what's going on.....

I was once again in my house with Wanda and our 2 sons, Billy and Tommy, when I heard a knock on the door.

I went and opened it but what I saw in front of me stopped me in place.
It was..... Wanda?

Me: Wands? How are you here?

Wanda didn't say anything, she just ran up to me and hugged me tightly.

I don't know how to explain it, but I knew it wasn't Wanda from my dreams. She must've managed to break my block and enter my mind. But..... HOW?!

Me: Wands.... Baby.... I miss you so much... You have no idea. But I need you to go back.... Please....
W: Only if you come with me....
Me: I can't..... I'm in the Red Room. How did you manage to pass my block? Babe... They will kill you if they find out about you. I've been hiding you and my moms for 5 years. I can't put you in danger. I love you too much to do that. Please go......

W: Baby, look at me.
Wanda cupped my face and lifted it up, so that I can meet her eyes.

W: Love, you're not in the Red Room anymore. You're at the compound. You're in the medical wing. Everyone is waiting for you to wake up. This..... This isn't real love. But we are.... I need you to come back to me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, have a house like this with you, have kids with you....
Me: Baby..... I can't..... I can't have kids....
W: I know. You were in the graduation ceremony yesterday. I don't care about that love. I can carry them and if that doesn't work, we can adopt. I love you and you love me. The rest will work itself out.
Me: You still love me? (I said with tears in my eyes)
W: I do. With all my heart. I can't wait to marry you.
Me: I bought a ring for our 2 year anniversary but I didn't get the chance to propose. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
W: I will marry you the minute you wake up love. Just... Please wake up........

T: Mamaaaa!!
Tommy ran up to me and jumped on me.
Me: Hey there my sweet boy..... Wanda, this is one of our sons. I don't know if I'm living in a dream or a vision of our future but we have 2 sons. This is Tommy and the other one is named Billy.
T: Mama? Why are you introducing me to mommy? Of course she knows who I am... Silly mama....
Me: Silly me..... Where is Billy? We need to get you two to bed.
T: Can you and mommy put us to bed together?

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