Chapter 13

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I woke up in the middle of the night with someone having loud thoughts.

I was cuddling with mom, where as momma was holding on to me from behind.

I slowly untangled myself from them and got off the bed without waking them up.

I started going in the direction of the thoughts and I realized it was aunt Yelena..... She was having a nightmare....

I opened her door and got in.
I went up to her and and gently shook her to wake her up but it didn't work.

I went into her mind and started changing her dream to a good one to calm her down.

I saw what she was dreaming and I know it's a memory and not a dream, because mom sometimes gets the same one. It was when they were little and the guards were trying to take aunt Yelena and mom tried to stop them.

After she was calm, she slowly opened her eyes but when she saw me sitting next to her, quickly grabbed me by my throat and started choking me.

It was still dark in the room and she just had a nightmare.
I tried to reach for the lamp to turn on the light, because I didn't want to use my powers on her, but the lamp fell to the ground making a loud noise.

After literally 5 seconds, the door opened and the lights turned on.
It was mom.....

N: Yelena!! What are you doing?!!

When the light turned on, aunt Yelena saw me and quickly let me go.
She let go of me and I fell to the floor while grabbing my neck, coughing and trying to catch my breath.

Mom ran to me and kneeled down to check on me but I stopped her. I didn't want to cause aunt Yelena any more trouble.

Y: I'm..... I'm sorry Y/N....

I saw tears in her eyes, so I got up and went to her, hugging her tightly.
Me: I know, you were having a nightmare. I came to check on you but when you woke up it just happened..... It's ok.....
Y: Your neck...... It's going to bruise....
Me: No, it's not. I have healing powers. It will be ok, I promise. I'm ok.....
N: Y/N..... Let me see your neck.
Me: It's ok mom. I'm ok. Go back to bed....
N: Y/N Y/M/N Hill-Romanoff. Let me see your neck right this second!!
Me: Ok. Jeez!! No need for all that.
N: Sweetie......

There was a handprint on my neck and it was already bruising.
N: Let me get some ice so it can heal quicker.
Me: No, mom. I don't want anything. I promise I'm ok. Go back to bed. It's still early. It's 4:30.
N: Ok, let me know if you need anything.
Me: I will. Good night.
N: Good night.
Y: Night.

After mom left, I turned back to aunt Yelena.
Me: Want some breakfast? I only know how to make pancakes...... Ok, that's a lie. I've only made pancakes once but I haven't made anything else, so.....

She was hesitant. She was worried that she was going to hurt me again.
Me: You're not going to hurt me. You were having a nightmare. I understand. Plus, I can use my powers if you try anything.
Y: Ok....... Come on, I'll make us something......

Aunt Yelena and I went to the kitchen and she started making something.
After a couple of minutes, she handed me a cup of coffee and placed a pot with mac'n cheese in it on the kitchen isle and placed two forks in it.

Me: Mac and cheese for breakfast?
Y: Just eat. This is what I know how to make.
Me: Ok.....
Y: Question.
Me: Go ahead.
Y: Why didn't you use your powers on me earlier?
Me: You were having a nightmare and were shaken up. What was I supposed to do? Hit you? Of course not. I tried to switch on the light so you can see me but it fell. I knew mom was coming, because I heard her waking up and talked to her telepathically. That's why I didn't do anything.
Y: I'm sorry.....
Me: It's ok. Shit happens. Do you want to go train? I'll go easy on you...... (I said smirking)
Y: I just realized that we have never trained together before.....
Me: I'm WAY out of your league.... That's why I haven't fought you. I can easily beat mom you know......
Y: Want to make a bet?
Me: I'm listening......
Y: The loser has to do the dishes for a month.
Me: You're on!! 3 out 5?
Y: Nope. 4/7. Whoever wins 4 out of the 7 matches, wins the challenge.
Me: Let's go!!

Y/N Hill-RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now