Chapter 4

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It's been 2 months since I came to stay with uncle Steve.
I've been doing really good and I think I'm ready to go back home to Wanda and my moms.

A month ago, it was me and Wanda's anniversary. It would've been our 7 year anniversary.
I wanted to do something but I couldn't leave. I promised her I would get better and that's what I wanted to do.
I sent her flowers and gifts. I bought her some jewelry, clothes and perfume.
She also got me some flowers and sent me self care items like candles and bubble baths that I loved.
We also talked together and I told her I still need around 2-3 months, but I think I'm ready.

S: I think you're ready kiddo.
Me: Thank you uncle. I'm so glad I got to do this.
S: You know you're welcomed here anytime right?
Me: I know.
S: Before you go, Nicky wants to talk to you.
Me: Nicky? Who's Nicky?
S: Ohh my godd!! I mean Nick!! Nick Fury!!
Me: You and papa still together?!
S: Yes, we are. We actually got married 3 years ago but no one knows.
Me: OHHH MYYYYY GOOODDDDDD!!!!! I'm so happy for you two!! Of course I'll talk to him!!
S: Good, because he's in the living room.

I ran into the room and hugged him tightly.
Me: Papaaaa!!!!
F: Little Agent!!!

We pulled away and I smirked at him before saying:
Me: Nicky!!!
F: Ohh Godd!! You ALREADY found out?!
Me: Of course!! I'm so happy for you papa. Have you told anyone yet?
F: No, but it is our 3 year anniversary in 2 days and I'm thinking of taking Steve, you and your moms out for lunch to tell them.
Me: I'll be honored papa. But if you prefer to just be you 4, I completely understand.
F: No, of course not. I don't want to exclude our number 1 supporter. You're the only one that knew about our relationship and the only one that knows about our marriage.

We hugged again and then sat down at the couch.
Me: So what did you want to talk to me about?
F: I know it's still early but the board wants to talk to you or have at least me talk to you.
Me: About?
F: You're contract.
Me: What about it? Doesn't it get cancelled or something? I was gone for 5 years.
F: No. You signed the contract for 10 years and they made sure you can't escape it. With that, they also made sure that they can't escape it. And since you had complete freedom and control over what you do, they were forced to build you your lab and pay you every month even though you were not here.
Me: So, I have 150 million dollars in my bank account and I still haven't worked?
F: Exactly. Now, you said you have more powers. Would you like me to add them to your file?
Me: Yeah, sure. I have used them a lot in the past 5 years but never on missions. I want to train with some of the avengers before I using them on missions though.

F: Of course little agent. 
Me: Thank you papa. I can turn invisible and teleport in addition to the powers you already know about. You going to the compound or headquarters?
F: Compound. I have to show you your lab. Why?
Me: Cuz I'm coming with you.

I shouted for uncle Steve and he came in.
Me: Bye uncle. Thank you again for everything.
S: You're welcome kiddo. I'll see you soon.
Me: See you in 2 days!!
F: Bye love.
They kissed and then turned back to me.

I grabbed papa's hand and closed my eyes.
I immediately teleported to the compound and saw everyone was there except Wanda.

N: Y/N!!!
Me: Miss me?
M: My baby!!!

I hugged my moms and let a few tears drop.
Afterwards, I hugged everyone that was there.
(Sam, Bucky, Steve, Vision, and Bruce)

Me: Where's my girl?
N: She's asleep upstairs in your room. She really misses you.
Me: I'm going to go and surprise her. I'll be right down papa.
F: Take your time little agent. I have to talk to your moms anyway.

I went up to our room and slowly opened the door.
Wanda was peacefully sleeping on the bed so I went up to her and got in bed next to her.

Instinctively, she turned around and wrapped her arm around me and pulled me closer to her.

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