Chapter 8

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It has been almost 2 weeks since I started the company.
Melina started 2 days ago and she's doing better than I expected.
I gave her her own lab to do whatever she wants and has to send me reports twice a week.

I'm almost done with the security algorithms for SHIELD but there seems to be some abnormalities that don't make sense. I need a couple of days to figure out what they are.
I think someone has been monitoring all SHIELD activity.

Mom returns in 3 days from her mission.
I really miss her. I think that the fact that Wanda also went on a mission a couple days after mom, is exaggerating my feelings. 
Wanda and I talk with each other telepathically multiple times a day, whenever she gets the chance.
She will come back in a couple of days and I can't wait to see her.

I was now sat in my office in the company when my phone began to ring.
I picked it up and saw that it is the board.

Me: Agent Hill-Romanoff speaking.
B: Agent, I'm afraid we have some bad news.
Me: What is it?
B: Your mother, Agent Romanoff was kidnapped by Hydra yesterday. She is currently in a location that we have sent you but we do not have the means to save her. We need you to go and rescue her. 
Me: Oh my god!! Of course!! I'm leaving right now!! Does Agent Hill know about this?!
B: No. We thought it might be best coming from you. 
Me: I understand. I'm leaving right now. I need about 20 minutes to get to the location.
B : Copy that agent.

I decided to talk with uncle Tony telepathically to make sure he's with momma when I tell her the news to make sure nothing happens to her.

Me: Uncle Tony. Can you hear me?
T: Y/N?! How are you doing that?!
Me: I can communicate telepathically uncle, remember? I need a huge favor.
T: What do you need?
Me: I need you to find momma quickly. I have to tell her something that I don't know how she'll react to. I don't want her to fall or anything to happen to her. Can you find her quickly?
T: She is sat next to me on the couch. What's going on Y/N? 
Me: Mom was kidnapped by HYDRA yesterday. SHIELD just called me and now I'm on my way to her but I need to tell momma. I'll be fine but I need her to know that once I'm done, I'm not going to have any energy left in me. So, I'm going to need you to come and pick me up. I have already sent you the location and I'll let you know when to come.
T: Why won't you have any energy?! What are you planning on doing Y/N?!
Me: I have learned some new tricks that no one knows about but they take a lot of energy. First, I have to take down the Hydra agents and then find mom. After that, I have to heal her, because we both know what those motherfuckers have been doing to her for the past 2 days. This alone takes a lot of energy. I am also going to take away her memory of being kidnapped and store it in my mind. I don't want her to suffer more than she already has. I would erase it, which is a lot easier and won't take so much energy, but there may be some valuable information in it. But by storing it in my mind, I will feel all the pain she has been enduring all at once when I regain consciousness. So, make sure my moms or Wanda aren't in the room once I wake up.
T: GODD!! Ok kiddo, be careful!!
Me: I will.

Now, I have to tell momma.
Me: Momma? Can you hear me?
M: Yes sweetie, I can. Do you need something?
Me: No, but I need to tell you something.....
M: I know that tone..... What happened?!
Me: Mom's been kidnapped. I'm on my way to her and uncle knows everything. Don't come and don't see me afterwards. Mom will be fine but won't remember anything. Make sure she sleeps and please don't see me. I'll come to you once I'm ok. Don't tell Wanda anything and don't let her see me like that.
M: What?! Y/N!! Don't you dare go alone!! Wait!! I'll be right there!! 
Me: NO!! I'm almost there and you can't come. I will tell uncle when to come and pick us up but you cannot come. 
M: I WILL come!!
Me: No, you won't! You cannot see me like that. I love you momma. Bye.

I reached the base and immediately turned invisible. 
I started blasting agents everywhere and within minutes, the base was all clear. 

I tapped into my coms to let SHIELD come and pick up the agents where as I went to find my mom.
I entered the room and saw her lying unconscious on the floor with cuts and bruises all over her face and body.
I couldn't believe it. I started to tear up, so I decided to quickly pick her up and go outside so that uncle can find us more easily.

Y/N Hill-RomanoffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora