Chapter 9

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*Wanda's POV*

I just finished a long and exhausting mission.
I am currently laying in bed about to go to sleep, but I have to talk to Y/N.
I have to say good night to my baby.

W: Baby.... Can you hear me?
W: Baby??

That's strange...... I can't talk to her.......... She is only like this of she's unconscious or.......
Wait! Is she unconscious?!

I started to panic and immediately got up to call Nat or Maria.
I opened my phone and started calling Nat, since I saw her name before Maria's and she answered almost immediately.

W: Nat!! Thank FUCK!! Where is Y/N?!! Get to her immediately!! I think she's unconscious!!
N: Wanda......
W: What's going on?! Where is Y/N?!!
N: Wanda, she's in the medical wing.... Unconscious.....
W: What?! Why?! What happened?! Talk Nat!!
N: 2 days ago, I got kidnapped by Hydra and was tortured. Today, Y/N found me and healed me. Afterwards, she took away my memory and because of that, started feeling everything for herself, all at once. She screamed in pain until she passed out and is still unconscious. She should be fine but it will take some time for her to heal herself. 
W: What?! I'm coming home right now!!
N: No, don't. She's unconscious. You won't be able to do anything. Sleep, rest and you can come back in the morning. She's safe here with us, so don't worry. Everything will be fine.

I hung up the phone and started getting everything I need ready.
I quickly closed my beg and flew out of the window to go and be with Y/N.
I'm in Sokovia, so I need a couple of hours in order to get there. It is almost 1 am, so I should be there around 3 or 4 in the morning.

*Y/N's POV*

I wake up to a ray of sunlight coming in from the window.
I looked down and saw Wanda sitting next to me with her head on the bed, asleep.

I looked over my body and saw that all my cuts are healed but there are a lot of bruises.
I carefully took the wires off of me and removed my IV drip. I got up and quietly moved to Wanda's side to pick her up and take her upstairs. 

It hurt. A lot.... But I know that she barely slept last night. Plus, she has been on a mission for about 2 weeks now and needs proper rest. 

Instinctively, she wrapped her arms around me and nestled her head in the crook of my neck. 
I quickly teleported us to our room and gently placed her on the bed.
Then, I changed my clothes and got in next to her. 
I wrapped my arms around her and fell asleep in a couple of seconds.

Before falling asleep, I checked my phone and saw that it was 8 am.
I texted uncle that I'm ok and in my room and that I'll go for a checkup when I wake up. 
He replied saying to take my time and that he'll inform my moms and make sure they are alright.
I closed my phone and immediately went to sleep.

I wake up to Wanda stirring in my arms.
When she moved her arm, she placed them on my ribs where I had large bruises and I winced in pain and slightly jumped.
Just from that, Wanda immediately opened her eyes and remembered what was happening.

W: Y/N?! Baby?! Are you ok?!
Me: I'm sorry love. I didn't mean to wake you up. I'm ok.....
W: No, don't apologize baby..... I'm sorry if I hurt you......

Wanda started getting up and when she realized where we are, looked at me confused.
W: What are we doing here? Shouldn't you be in the hospital bed?
Me: I saw you sleeping next to me and knew you hadn't slept properly. So, I brought you up here and put you to bed.
W: What time is it?
Me: Let me check..... It is 10:50 pm love.
W: What?! You mean almost 11 before midnight?!
Me: Yeah.....
W: Have you eaten anything today? Do you need anything?
Me: I'm ok love. Really..... I'm not hungry....
W: You have to eat baby.
Me: I will. I'm just not hungry at the moment.
W: Ok. Then, let's get you downstairs so that Bruce can check on you and afterwards, I can prepare you something to eat.
Me: No.... I don't want to get up..... Let's stay here..... Please...... (I said with tears in my eyes)
W: Why don't you want to get up love?
Me: If I go down, my moms are going to ask a million questions and they are going to yell at me for what I did. They are mad at me, I know it......
W: I'm sure they're not mad love. Why would they be mad? You didn't do anything wrong. You were just trying to protect Nat... No. You did protect her. They might have some questions but they are not mad.....
Me: I took away her memory without her consent...... I took away her memory of the mission along with the torture to make sure she doesn't remember anything....... She is never going to speak to me again.........

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