Chapter 7

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So today is the first time I'm going to step into the company after being completed. It is amazing.
After word got out, there were like hundreds of investors. 
We have the best technology available in our labs and very secure algorithms which won't be easy to hack, almost impossible.

SHIELD and I sat down for a meeting this morning and we decided on a payment of 400 million dollars for the security.

Afterwards, I headed back to the compound just in time for lunch.
Me: Hellooooo!! What are we eating?! I'm starving!!
M: Your favorite, chicken and rice.
Me: Can I talk with you and mom privately for a second?
M: Sure....

We went to a separate room and closed the doors behind us.
N: What's up baby?
Me: Here you go....

I handed each of them a check for 40 million dollars and they were confused.
M: What's this sweetie?
Me: This is the first paycheck coming from the company. I just received 400 million dollars from SHIELD and you each get 10% of it.
N: 400 million?! What for?!
Me: For the security. We just closed the deal today.
M: Well, congratulations baby, you deserve it.
Me: You too. You can do whatever you want with it.
N: Actually, momma and I were thinking about what you said regarding our future after retiring from SHIELD, and we decided to open a joint account where we deposit these checks and leave them there until the timing is right. That way, we will have a large amount of money for later.
Me: I think that's a great idea. You can do whatever you want with it.

After talking for a while longer, I decided to ask them something that has been on my mind for weeks now.
Me: Can I ask you something?
M: Of course sweetie. What is it?
Me: It has something to do with Melina.
N: Melina? Did something happen?! Did she do something to you?!
Me: No mom, relax. I am comfortable around her and trust her now. I know she is a scientist and used to develop the tech for the red room and now she's incredibly bored here, because she isn't doing anything. So, I was thinking of hiring her in the company. That way, she will continue to do what she loves to do and earn some money in the meantime.
N: I think that's a great idea sweetie. But you don't need to ask us everytime you want to hire someone. It is your company after all.
Me: No, it's not. It is OUR company. Of course I am going to ask for your opinion before taking major steps. This is your mother after all.
M: Well, we have no problem what so ever. Actually, our lawyers put together some paperwork that we sent to your team.
Me: Paperwork? What for?
N: Well, momma and I want to give you full control over our shares. That way, we are getting the money but you will own 60% of the company and will do whatever you want with it without asking us first. We don't know anything about this industry and we don't want to do anything that might jeopardize it in any way. So, by giving you full authority, you and Wanda can work together without having to worry about anything.
Me: Wow, really?
M: Really. It is your company after all baby. You are doing all the work. It isn't fair on our part to take that away from you. Now, go. Go and enjoy your company with your fiancé and don't think about us. Hire who you want to hire and do whatever you want. Go and just be you, because who you are is an amazing, loving and thoughtful person who we are so lucky to call our daughter.

I had tears in my eyes, so I just hugged them both tightly.
I love them so much. I can't wait for the rest of our lives together.

After they left, I telepathically asked Wanda to join me in my office which she did.
W: Hey there baby.....
Me: Hello love. (I greeted her before we sat down together)
W: To what do I owe this pleasure?
Me: A couple things actually. Firstly, I wanted to inform you that I have deposited 320 million dollars into our joint bank account this morning.
W: What?! Where did the money come from?
Me: It's a payment from SHIELD. I am about to start on the security measures.
W: That's great love. Congrats!!
Me: Thank you. Secondly, my moms signed their part of the company over to me. They are still going to receive the money, but I will have control over their shares. They say that they don't know anything about the industry and don't want anything to do with it. I hope that's ok with you.
W: Why wouldn't it be love?
Me: Cuz I said that this is a partnership and now I own 60% of the company where as you own 40.
W: That's ok love. Just because we are getting married, doesn't mean you have to give me half of everything.
Me: You're not mad?
W: Of course not. Read my mind and see.

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