Entrance Exams pt 1

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I have been preparing for this day for years. Today is the day I finally take the U.A. Entrance exam.

Everyone told me I couldn't do it. I wasn't a good fit. That no matter how hard I try, I'm just too different to become a hero. But that didn't stop me.

Since when has being diagnosed with Autism ever affected my quirk? Not once. Yes, sometimes I do get overstimulated but I can keep going. As long as I have Gary with me and my headphones, I will be fine.

"Y/N, it's time for breakfast, I made you a special one for today!" My mom shouts from downstairs.
I walked down the stairs to find a stack of pancakes and bacon waiting for me.

"What is this?" I ask.

"Well I thought since today you will be exerting yourself more, you need more protein than on a regular day." She states

"No, I can't, I don't want that, where are the goldfish?" I ask.

I'm not trying to be rude but she should know that nothing has ever stopped me from enjoying goldfish for breakfast.

"At least have some bacon too, you need energy!" She insists.
"Ok, thank you," I can't be completely rude, she is my mom, and all she wanted was for me to be happy.

I look up from the ground to search for my green bowl.

"Where is it, I'm gonna be late!"

I need to find it! Goldfish taste best when in that bowl, I don't make the rules, they just do!

"Honey it's over here, I reorganized the cabinets." My mom hands me to bowl with a smile. I smile back.

I quickly poured myself a bowl of goldfish as my mom set down a glass of apple juice with exactly 8 ice cubes in it. ( I only eat or drink things in even numbers and I know others that do that too so yeah)

"Thanks!" I say. I touch my hand around the rim of the glass, the condensation has already built up from the cold drink. I always enjoy that feeling.

I giggle as I shake off the droplets from my hand.

"Hurry up and eat, I want you to be there before the crowd of people are there, I want you to make it through the whole day!" My mom explains.

She's always been supportive and helpful when it comes to my sensory issues.

She doesn't fully understand how difficult it can be on me, but she tries to help the best she can.

"K," I respond.

Time skip
(In the car)

"Did you bring Gary?" She asks




" note cards,"

" I won't need them, but check." I  say, glancing down at my bag.

"You never know, it's gonna get loud and I want to make sure you can still communicate." She says.

"I just won't talk then, I don't want to be the weird kid again, I don't want people to stare at me for the wrong reasons, I want people to stare because of my quirk," I announce.

She just nods her head, and continues to go down the list of things she thinks I need.

Ok part two will be up very soon, I am gonna write it today as well so yeah. Hope you enjoyed so far! I'm

Mha x Autistic ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now