The Boys are Back

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The some semblance of a friend group I had made was once again being threatened .

"Seriously I believe you man. When I first heard it from Midoriya, I knew it didn't sound like you. But I wanted to just ask what your side of the story was."

I clenched my fists. Who other than Deku would do this?

"Dude I told you, nothing happened. Y/N was crying, and I asked if they needed help."

He unknowingly let out a sigh of relief.

"I knew he was mistaken." Kirishima looked towards the others.

It was more than infuriating. I thought this was going to be a new fucking start for me. No one knew me, but Deku had to lie about his quirk and then suddenly debut it so he could get into UA.

I could feel the rage building in my chest.

"Whatever dude. The fuck do I care." I pushed past him and stormed towards the others and to the cafeteria. I needed to get the fuck out of here. Even if that meant I had to walk past Midoriya.

I kept my head tucked down. No eye contact, no confrontation. Agitation and guilt stung my eyes as I walked past my classmates. The hall was feet away when I noticed out of the corner of my eye, Deku had stood up.

That's when I booked it out of the cafeteria and down the school's hallways. I spotted a bathroom to the left and bolted towards it. Barely reaching the bathroom I heard a familiar voice call out my name.

I tried to avoid them by hiding in the only stall.

"Hello?" Their voice was just above a whisper, making it harder to distinguish their voice. But I saw him get up. I saw him stand up from his seat.

He probably followed me over here.
Thinks I'm hiding cause I'm scared of him.

I heard footsteps approaching the stall.

"Get the fuck out of here." I warned him.

The footsteps stopped.

"I come in peace." I heard.

It wasn't Midoriya.

I opened the stall and went towards the sink. They watched as I washed my hands

"You okay?" He asked.

"Why the hell wouldn't I be?" I asked, turning to them.

"Well you ran out of the cafeteria pretty fast. Thought maybe you were upset, either that or sick." They rocked slightly on their feet as they explained themselves.

"Not sick. Well maybe sick of you nerds." I mumbled.

They chuckled.

"I prefer the term geek." They argued.

"Same difference."

They moved closer to the wall and leaned their weight against it.

"You got offended by red head." It was more of a statement than a question.

I looked at them. Standing  in the bathroom. With a stoic face, just staring at me.

"Well one can assume that's why you left. I mean I'm guessing he asked the same question that the others asked me."

Y/N fidgeted with their fingers.

"Did they?" I questioned.

"Well they asked why I was crying the other day. And if you had something to do with it, obviously I denied the claims." They paused, "although you do have this funny habit of being there when I cry. And I don't usually cry much."

"You sure." I tease.

"Shut up, this week doesn't  count. Extenuating circumstances." They waved me off.

I took a breath.

"Why'd you follow me?" I asked.

"Good question." They looked towards the ceiling while they thought. "Intuition I guess. Guess I'm superhero material." They joked

"Sure." I mumbled.

Then a thought crossed my mind.

"How come your actually talking more than two sentences today?"

I could've phrased that better.

"To add intrigue. Well they and because I'm sorta getting used to this massive-ass place." They looked slightly uncomfortable with the topic.  "How come you're not so loud today?" They questioned.

"Whatever." I grumbled as I turned towards the exit.

"Come on, geek." I added.

They pushed themselves off the wall and followed behind me.

"Bakugou." They randomly blurted.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh sorry. I Didn't mean to say your name out loud. I was just wondering where it came from. I mean Baku means explosion so your quirk is hereditary but it's weird to have a last name that coincides with your quirk."

They babble more than Deku.

"I mean that's not important to the conversation but my mind wanders." They chuckle nervously.

My mom joked about the same thing when I was little. Calling my dad and I Bakubuddies.

"Guess it was luck." I shrugged.

They nodded, satisfied enough with my answer.

We both stopped in our tracks as we approached the cafeteria. Lunch was definitely not over for another half hour but I didn't really wanna go back through the cafeteria.

"I'm not letting myself be more cringe than I have to today. So I'm gonna go find a quiet staircase and chill. You can come too I guess." They spoke quietly, more like how they usually talk.

"Don't got anything better to do. "

I followed them to a secluded stairwell and we just sat in silence minding our own business. I was reading some shit on my phone and they were drawing something with their headphones on, presumably listening to music.

When the lunch bell rang, we made our way to class and went to our designated spot. The kid was a weird. But it's not like I'm normal. Maybe UA could be somewhat tolerable.


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